Indoor games (11)

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            My heavy eyes gradually opened as I heard a high pitch ring coming from my door. God, how early is it? I turned my sore head to the small clock on my nightstand. It read 7 am. I plopped my head back down on my pillow, hoping that who ever it was would leave. Seconds go to minutes and there still ringing the doorbell. I signed as I struggled to leave the comfort if my queen-sized bed. Wrapping my dark bed sheets around my half-exposed body. I unlock the door to find Kaito there. "Oh, did I wake you up?" he chuckled. I slowly nodded trying my best to not fall back asleep. "Not in a talking mood today I see." he said letting himself in. "What are you doing?" I asked in a groggy voice. "I came to check up on you y'know, because of your hands." "I already said I don't need your guy's help, I'm fine." I yawned sitting next to him on my bed. "There's nothing wrong with asking for help. Everyone needs help at one point in their life." he put his arm around me as he leaned back. Pulling both of us down. He looked back at my nightstand. "I must have woke you up early huh?" he said yawning. "What, did you just come in here to take a nap?" I teased. "No, but I wouldn't mind one." he said as he closed his eyes and pretended to snore. "Hey! Get up! You can sleep on the floor but get off my bed." I said pushing him off. "Not even for a minute?" he opened one eye. "Not even for a second." I chuckled pushing him off. He grunted as he hit the ground. Kaito leaped back up within seconds and jumped back on the soft bed. I pushed him off again but, as expected, he hopped right back to the same spot. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't want me here." Kaito smiled. "I don't. You just woke me up you dickhead." I smirked. "It's 7, you should already be awake, eating something, and getting ready to take on the day head-on." He told. "Uh-huh" I nodded crawling back into bed. "Well, if you're just going to sleep, then I'm going to leave." Kaito asserted. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I chuckled pulling my blanket over my face. I heard the door open and then close very slowly. I eventually got up from my cozy mattress. 

      I smiled to myself as I began to get dressed, then heading out the door. I closed and locked the door. "Hey." I heard next to me, startling me. "Don't do that! You scared the hell out of me!" I scuffed. "Didn't mean to scare you." Rantaro chuckled. "How're the hands?" "better" I said looking out side the dormitory. The sun was hiding away for today behind a sky full of dark grey storm clouds. The wind began to pick up. "Looks like a nasty rainstorm" Korekiyo said. "You can tell that just by the clouds?" I asked. "No, smell. The air is full of moisture. It's how old societies like Native Americans used to identify if a storm was coming." he explained. I took a deep breath, smelling the air. "Woah, you're right. Well, it's about time it rained around here. The plants would've died if it didn't." I fiddled with the bandages on my hands. "A whiff of fresh air is always good for the body." Rantaro said. "So wanna go get something to eat?" Rantaro asked. "Yeah, I'm starving." I signed. 

      After we were done eating, I met Kirumi in her room so she could check up on my hands. "They healed very nicely, " She praised. "Whoever wrapped your hands did I good job." I felt my face heat up a little, remembering the other day. Once I left, Rantaro was already waiting for me. "Are they healed?" he asked. I nodded. As we walked out the dormitory. But as soon as we did the rain began to pour. The roaring sound of thunder filled the academy as we ran to find shelter. Me and Rantaro walked through the old halls, talking about our day. The cracked hallways were flooded from the rain. The sound of the rain had the sound of drums. A fast, consistent melody. Tap, tap, tap, tap. The smell of the fresh wet air. Sweet but salty. The wind flowing through my fabrics with a touch that could give you goosebumps. The dancing of lightning in the sky as the rain falls even harder. 

NSFW warning

     There wasn't anything to do. So we all went back to our rooms. I pried all my wet, heavy clothes from my dripping wet body. Digging through the closet for my sleepwear. My underwear and a big shirt. I sighed while curling up in my ice-cold blankets. Waiting for my body heat to warm up inside the atmosphere that is my sheets. My heavy eyes could hardly stay open. I began to think about the past few days. The stress of getting killed or not. After a while of just laying there my mind began to go to a very different place. My body began to burn up as I continued my vivid fantasy. The steaming liquid that began to leave the lower half of my body as I slowly trailed my hand down my stomach. I bite the bottom of my lip as my hand slid into my damp undergarments. I shouldn't be doing this but what the hell, I'm not going to leave myself in this state. I gradually slipped in my pointer and middle finger, with a slow, shaky movement. I groaned as I pulled my shirt up, revealing my stomach. My body was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. I covered my mouth with my free hand to hid my moans. I was building up, slowly getting to my climax. I hummed as I flipped from laying on my back to my stomach. I quickly pick up my pace. Felling the warmth dripping down my two fingers. Lewd noises filled my room. Disconnecting myself from the world, forgetting my worries, forgetting my responsibilities, forgetting this hell. I was close to the finish till I heard the sound of an annoying ding. The fucking doorbell. No no no not know. I'm almost there I'm not stopping. I'll finish what I started. They will have to wait. My body was practically on fire as I really reached my peak. "A-Ah-hmm D-damn." I mumbled as my body began to shake. The amazing feeling was indescribable, I didn't want it to end.

          I laid there out of breath and shaking as my doorbell still rang. I signed pulling down my shirt and readjusting my panties as I put on a pair of shorts, walking to the door to see who it was. I opened the door to see Kaito smiling. "Jeez, I ringing your doorbell for a while what were you doing?" he asked entering my room. " I was looking for something, nothing important." I scratched the back of my head. "Woah, are you feeling well? You're kinda shakey and you look terrible." Kaito said leaning in closer. "I'M FINE DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" I yelled nervously. "Well, I heard you got those bandages off! Let's see those hands." I flashed my hands for a second. "Wait, hey I couldn't see them. Hold them out properly." He scuffed. "Can I wash my hands real quick?" I begged. "Why? Just hold your hands out." he requested. I held out my hands. "Oh they've healed nicely." He grabbed my hand and began to slowly drag his finger on the palms of my hand. My body began to heat up again. "Did I make you that nervous?" he laughed. I looked up at him confused. "Your fingers, they're soaking wet. I didn't know your hands sweated that much." Kaito said as he pinched his fingers together. "Why is the consistency like that? It's like sticky and slightly foggy. You should go see Kirumi about that." he said. "Go wash your hands!" I screamed pushing him to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet, and covering our hands in hand soap. I shakily washed both of our hands. "What's up with you?" Kaito asked suspicious of me. "I'm just a little hot is all. But I'm fine." I reassured. "A little hot? It's freezing in here. You may b sick." he said. "Yeah, maybe." I mumbled. "Or do you mean hot in a different way. The sexual way." he whispered. My face felt as if it had caught fire, my heart rate increased dramatically. "W-WHAT NO! NO! no. I'm not!" I laughed as my body began to feel weird again. "Well, ok I'll take your word for it." Kaito smiled. I felt as my lower half was throbbing. I crossed my legs to try and make it stop but, it made it much worse. "Your sure you're fine?" he asked one more time. "Y-yeah." I whispered. "I'm kinda upset. I was going to train but it's raining outside." Kaito began. "Hey, wanna train with me." "Um no I'm fine" I said feeling the moisture full my undergarments. "Don't you wanna leave?" I asked. "No, I like hanging out with you." he smiled. I hummed to myself quietly as I sat down on my bed. He sat down next to me. "You don't really seem ok maybe I should stay the night and take care of you." Kaito suggested. "Oh no, that's fine I'm ok." My face was basically steaming at this point. "Well, ok then but at least let me do this." he said picking me up, bride style, from the end of my bed. I gasped out of surprise. He carefully placed me on the bed and pulled the blanket over me. "Rest. I know you're not feeling well. You don't have to lie." he said tucking me in. My body was steaming all over again. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." Kaito waved leaving my room.

          I let out a sigh dragging my hand back down my body. Why am I felling like this? What's wrong with me? I shouldn't be. About him. No this is wrong. Then the thought of Rantaro flooded my mind. Imagining the details in his face. His expressions seem more appealing. The way his is built. The more I thought of Rantaro and Kaito the more I found them attractive. No, they're my friends, I shouldn't be feeling like this. I don't feel like this it's just the horniness taking over my body. I turned to my side trying to not think of them, especially when I'm in this kinda mood. 

A Gut Feeling (Rantaro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now