Chapter 4

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I finally got to Cam's place where Matt said he would be. I got out of the car and called Matt.
"It's me, let me in." I said softly.
"Cam isnt here right now. It's only Nash, Gilinsky, Johnson, and Hayes right now. Carter and Cam took off to the store."
"Alright just let me in, I'll wait."

Once I finally got into Cam's place, I saw Matt waiting for me. My eyes filled with tears and he ran over to me, hugging me. He squeezed me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I wish I had a cute best friend relationship with a girl like that." Gilinsky mumbled.

"Oh so I'm not good enough for you?" Johnson said dramatically, causing even me to laugh.

"I never said that, baby. We can work this out."

"I cant take this anymore, Jack!" Johnson said, raising his voice.

Everyone started laughing, leave it to them to lighten the mood.

"Guys how was Cam today?" I asked casually.

"He's actually been kind of quiet." Johnson said.

"It's not my place to say, but I think it has to do with the recent fight you guys had." Nash said. "He's been bummed out lately, not really himself, ya know?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm here to fix it." I said with a small smile.

"You aren't going to dump him are you?" Gilinsky questioned.

"Hell no, we've gotten too far for some distance to get in the way."

Nash's phone started ringing, it was Carter telling him that they forgot the gate opener and to buzz them in.

I took a deep breath, "Um, just send Cam into his room. I'll wait in there."

I got up and went into Cam's room. I sat on the edge of his bed and waited. I heared them come in, everyone was talking then it fell silent. I heard footsteps then the door opened and Cam stepped inside. Once I saw him I immediately started crying and he shut the door silently. He walked over to me and sat down next to me. He didnt say anything, he just slid me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay." He whispered in my ear.

"No it's not!" I said. I got up and stood in front of him. "I'm tired of not fighting! I'm tired of you saying it's okay constantly instead of not expressing your feelings! Call me a bitch when I'm being one and I'll call you an asshole when you're acting like one! We say its okay, we'll be fine but in reality its not okay and we wont be fine! We cant pretend like we arent mad at eachother! I feel like it makes things worse in the long run! I feel like I never forgive you for what you do and you never forgive me, we just brush it off like it's nothing and get on with our lives!" I said, then paused when I saw the look on his face. "Look babe, I dont want to fight either. But I feel like when we are mad at each other we need to express that instead of just constantly saying I'm okay."

He looked at the floor, "I feel like you're going to leave me soon and it's heart breaking. I feel like the distance is starting to impact our relationship. I feel like its my fault. I feel like if I just keep saying its okay instead of fighting you wont get mad and you wont have a reason to leave." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like if we fight too much you'll get fed up with me and you'll be done and you'll leave." His eyes started watering and his voice was cracking, making me feel like a complete bitch.

"I didn't know that was how you felt. I'm sorry...I just-"

He stood up and kissed me. "Just dont leave." He said softly.

"I love you okay? I'm not giving up on you and I sure as hell wont give up on us. You're stuck with me."

He took my hand, "I'm so blessed to have you."

I smiled, "I'm the blessed one."

"You should stay the night." He said.

"I'm staying with Matt for a while. I don't want to be in the way of everything here but now we can see each other all the time!"

"You're staying with Matt?" He said, raising his eyebrow.

"Is that a problem?" I said, kind of offended. He didn't trust me?

"I thought you would want to stay with me but I guess not. It's fine, at least you're here."

"No, stop. Express how you feel, it'll be better in the long run remember?"

", I don't like it."

"Why not? I don't see the problem."

"I just wanted you to want to spend more time with me."

"Why do you think I'm here? For you, not for Matt or Carter or Nash or Hayes or anybody else. You."

"I know...I'm sorry. I don't feel upset about it anymore knowing you're here for me and not anyone else." He said, chuckling a little bit.

"Good...I just would rather stay with Matt because its more calm and not as hectic, theres more space there."

"I get it but you'll sleep over eventually." He said and winked.

"In your dreams, Dallas." I said. "Come on let's go spend time with people."

He got up and grabbed my hand, when we walked into the living room everyone was silent.

"Hey guys." I said and smiled to let them know that everything was alright.

Everyone piped up more and said hi, then Cameron announced that he and Nash had big news.

"Um, well, we have huge news." Cam said.

Nash got up and stood next to him, "We're filming a movie together!" Nash exclaimed all excited.

My eyes widened, "Congrats guys!"

Everyone got up and started hugging them and congratulating them. They made it.

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