Chapter 13

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I sighed in the bathroom, throwing the pregnancy test away. Apparently, we weren't careful enough. Now I have to tell Matthew. I walked out of the bathroom to see him sitting on the kitchen counter, opening a box of cookies.
"Babe I really have to tell you something." I said nervously.
"You're pregnant aren't you?"
"How did you know..."
"I just had a feeling. Honestly I'm skipping the scared and upset stage. I'm going straight to the excited stage."
"You don't know how much I'll be judged for this. You have no idea."
"Uh yes I will because I'll be judged just as much."
"So I was thinking of getting an abortion..."
"Are you fucking serious?!" He said, raising his voice.
"I guess not." I mumbled.
"I cant believe you would even think like that."
He got his jacket and stormed off, the door slammed behind him. Well he's clearly pissed.
I sat on the couch and broke down. It's hard for me too I'm not even at the excited stage, I'm still at the scared stage. I had no idea who to call, so I called my dad.
"Dad?" I said.
"What's wrong, hun?"
"I-I....I'm pregnant."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. I'm pregnant with Matthew's baby."
"You just started dating him..."
"Dad please I called you for advice!"
"I'm just saying, I've always liked Cameron. I'm team Cameron."
"Oh my god I just need your help tell me what to do."
"Well you need to tell Matthew of course."
"I already did. I was scared and brought up abortion so he got all pissy and stormed off to god knows where."
"You've always been against abortion...why would you even think of something like that."
"I was scared! He said the same thing! I didn't call you so I could get a lecture!"
"I'm sorry! I'm scared too! Let me call Matt okay, maybe I can talk some sense into him."
"Thanks dad."
I hung up, my dad and Matt never got along so the fact that he was willing to call him for me means a lot.
*Matthew's POV*
I was driving to meet Carter at a nearby park, I needed him right now. I got a call from Gabby's dad, Bryan. I really don't need his shit right now.
"Gabby told me the big news."
"Yeah well I don't need a lecture. I already know you hate me."
"I didnt call to give you a lecture. I just got off the phone with Gabby and she's really upset right now."
"She suggested abortion, Bryan!"
"I know, she told me everything. She was just scared Matthew and right now she needs you more than ever."
"If you called me to make it better she must really be hurting."
He chuckled, "I have to start liking you, you'll be the father of my grandchild."
"Well thanks for calling. It was actually nice."
"You're welcome, hurry up and bring Gabby to see me. I want her home for my birthday tomorrow."
"Way ahead of you, I was going to surprise you guys by bringing her home tomorrow."
"Well thank you, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
I texted Carter not to go and I would see him tomorrow morning then I turned around to head back home.
Once I got there, I hurried into my apartment to see Gabby asleep on the couch in an uncomfortable position. I noticed the tear stains on her cheeks instantly. I frowned, picking her up and carrying her to my room.
No way was I letting her out of my sight.

Yes I'm alive! I havent updated in forever but I'm back! It was sucky but the next one will be better:))

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