Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning in Matthew's arms.
"Good morning..." He said and softly kissed my forehead.
My eyes were already refilling with tears, "It's like I cant stop crying." I mumbled. "My eyes just keep filling up."
"It'll all work out for the best."
I felt something when I kissed Matthew. I didn't know what it was or why but its something I've never felt before. I wasn't crying just because of the fight Cam and I had, more because I had been so certain of my feelings for Cam and now I felt something for Matthew too.
"I guess so.."
I grabbed my phone and texted Cameron.
Me: Babe?
I knew that if he didn't respond to babe or told me not to call him that anymore then it would most likely be over between us. No matter how many times we fought, we never stopped calling each other baby or baby, it just felt weird without our cute nicknames.
Cam: Yes baby?
I almost cried tears of joy when he called me baby.
Me: I really messed up. I'm sorry.
Cam: Couples fight. Ur still my babygirl.
Me: Even now that we are broken up?
Cam: Of course. I gotta go, I'll call u after I'm done filming today. Love you lots.
Me: Love u too. Have fun.
I dont know if I should stay with Cam or pay attention to my feelings for Matthew.
I should just stay with Cam, being with Matthew would totally mess up their friendship.
Matthew spoke up, "Did you feel it too?"
"Feel what?"
"You cant tell me that when we kissed you felt nothing, Gabs.."
"I didnt." I lied, "I'm with Cam."
"Not anymore..."
"That doesn't mean I start dating his best friend."
"I'm your best friend too." He mumbled.
"I'm going to get ready."

*Matthew's POV*
I watched as she got up to get ready.
How can she of not felt anything. I felt fucking fireworks when we kissed.
"Gabs?" I said.
"I'm sorry."
She turned around and sighed, "You don't have to be, I felt it too."
Then she went to the guest bedroom to get dressed.
Oh so she did feel something? I'm thinking the same as her though, Cameron would never forgive either of us, its not even worth it. I got up, deciding to get dressed too. I had to decide whether my relationship with Gabriella was more important or my friendship with Cameron was. I don't know how to feel but I think everything will work out and Gabriella should be with Cam. I wasn't ready to put my friendship with Cameron to the test or my friendship with Gabs either.
So I took it upon myself to call Cam.
"Hey dude." I said awkwardly.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted you to know that there's nothing between Gabby and I, I felt nothing in that kiss. You guys belong together bro."
"Thanks, I was kind of worried about that to be honest. Do you think she felt anything?"
"Not a chance, she told me this morning. She's all yours."
"Should I forgive her easily..I don't want to fight especially while she's down here."
"Honestly bro that's something that is kind of hard to forgive. It's all up to you. But just to let you know, she's really beat up about this. I don't think she's stopped crying."
"It hurts just knowing that she's hurting. Well I'll talk to her in about 30 minutes when I'm off set. Love ya brother."
"Love ya too brother."
Then I hung up, feeling relieved but also guilty for lying.

*Gabriella's POV*
"I just wanted you to know that there's nothing between Gabby and I, I felt nothing in that kiss. You guys belong together bro." I heard Matthew say.
My heart broke, I thought he felt something like I did...
I sighed and finished getting ready, I just don't know what to do.

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