Chapter 12

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I woke up tangled in sheets next to Matthew. I smiled and snuck out of his room, heading to take a shower. Once I was out and ready, I walked into the kitchen where he was standing. All he had on were gym shorts and he looked sleepy.
"Morning baby." He said and kissed my forehead.
"Morning love." I smiled.
"So Carter wants to know if we'll hang out with him and the Jacks today."
"I'm not really feeling up to it but you should go."
"What's wrong?"
"I just feel sick, like I don't know how to describe it."
"You don't think..."
I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking that I was pregnant.
"No of course not, I think we were careful enough."
"Alright, I'm going to go pick up some junk foods for you at the store. I just texted Carter and told him maybe tomorrow. I'll be back, have Netflix ready."
I smiled, he's so perfect.
"Alright babe, drive safe and put a shirt on."
He chuckled, "I feel free like this."
"No shoes? No shirt? No service."
"Fineee! I'll put shoes and a shirt on." He mumbled.
I laughed, "Have fun."
"I'm going to Taco Bell and Jack in the Box too."
Then he shut the door. He makes me crazy happy. Being with him is right, right?
I got a call from Cameron.
"What the hell were you thinking." He said rudely.
"Um. What are you talking about?"
"The fucking younow! My fans are going more insane than ever! They think I'm the one who messed up!"
"Dont talk to me like've never talked to me like this." I said in a whisper.
"What. Were. You. Thinking?"
"I wanted to help..."
"You have to do another younow to clear it up."
"Apparently I've done enough. No matter what I say, if they have a negative reaction you'll just be even more mad at me. I'm done trying and I'm at my breaking point with everything that has happened. So YOU do a younow and YOU clear everything up."
"Listen to me-"
"No. Bye."
Then I hung up. I miss him so much my heart hurts. We broke up because arguments but we are still arguing even after breaking up.
Matt walked in with a ton of food and almost dropped it when he saw the look on my face. He put it all on the table and walked over to me.
"What's wrong babe?"
"Nothing its just Cam called me and got mad about the younow and he was yelling at me. We argued all the time when we are together...and here we are, still arguing."
"Don't let him get to for me."
I forced a fake smile on my face and said, "Cheeeeeeese!"
He laughed, "Not a fake one you silly."
"I love you." I laughed and hugged him tightly, then my face fell. "People are going to talk so much shit when they find out that its you. I'll be known as the magcon slut."
"You aren't a slut." He murmured in my ear, "You know that so who cares."
"I do. I'm still not used to the hate and I don't think I ever will be."
"We may as well get it over with." He said seriously.
"I'm so scared."
"Don't be. You have me."
"How should we announce it?"
"Instagram with a picture probably is the best way just keep it simple then we can do a younow tomorrow to explain."
"Alright here goes nothing."
We took a picture of us kissing and holding hands, we both posted it at the same time and captioned it '¿Sorry not sorry?'
Hate comments flooded our notifications instantly.
"There it is." I mumbled.
"Turn off your phone. Lay down with me. We are watching netflix. We are going to have a lazy day."
I smiled, "Okay."
I shut off my phone and cuddled up with him on the couch.

Okay their secret is out!😇 Comment who you want Gabby to end up with, Matt vs Cam😘

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