Chapter One

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I woke up, still feeling the bags under my eyes from crying myself to sleep the previous night before. Cameron and I had one of the biggest fights I think we've ever had and ever will have. Since I caused it, I felt like complete crap. I know how busy he is with his career and I chose this life with him but I wasn't too sure anymore. He is constantly away now, I see him maybe every two weeks. Sometimes I get really lucky and it's only a week apart, but I get really unlucky too. Once we went a whole two months without seeing eachother.(In person, of course we facetime'd literally 24/7. We even annoyed Nash at one point.) Honestly all this seems worth it to me, although I haven't found a single person who thinks we are good for eachother. According to all of our friends and family members, our relationship is toxic. Maybe it is, but not being in a relationship together has to be even more toxic for us. Sure, we constantly fight, but that means we also constantly make up.

Some people wonder how we met. Let me tell you a story. He was doing an event for MagCon(yeah, that long ago) in San Francisco, California and we ended up having a connection. I didn't really know all about him, the only reason I was at the event was because my friend had dragged me there. She didn't want to go alone. Anyways, we talked over snapchat and twitter for a month or two before he trusted me with his number. All it took were three weeks filled with visits for us to fall for each other and I became his girlfriend. Now he doesn't visit as much, he doesn't have time for a long drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco a couple times a week anymore. Now we just work with what we got. Anyways, take a peek into our crazy, argument-filled, amazing relationship.

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