Chapter 10

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I guess I finally went to sleep, because I woke up to Matthew trying to make breakfast in the kitchen.
I got up and walked to the kitchen, he looked at the floor when I walked in.
"Hey." He said awkwardly.
"Good morning."
"Do you have any idea who you're going to pick?"
"I think so." I lied.
"Spit out the truth, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings."
"How did you know I was going to choose Cam?"
"You guys..the way you look at each other is just undeniable. Go get him."
"Thanks, Matt."
I got ready then drove to Cam's. I walked in, not even knocking. I found him making out with another girl on the couch.
"Oh shit my bad." I said and turned around.
"Wait I need to talk to you!" He said.
"Um, that's alright. Maybe another time?"
"No. Now."
"I came to tell you that I chose Matt. I love him."
His face dropped, "Let me talk to you."
He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me onto the patio.
"That girl in there is just a way to get over you if I had too. She knows the position I'm in, just look at her as a booty call. Please, if you were going to pick me, you still can. Amber means nothing to me."
"We aren't together so I cant get mad for this so stop tripping. I chose Matt. I'm sorry."
I walked away and to my car. Yikes.
When I got back to Matt's apartment, he was still cooking in the kitchen. I tossed my bag on the couch and walked towards him.
"Oh, hey how was-" I cut him off by kissing him.
He kissed me back, pulling me closer to him.
"Wait what happened with Cam?"
"I told him I chose you."
"I thought you chose him."
"I. Choose. You."
He kissed me again, his hands went from my face to my back, then my waist and so on.
I went to take his shirt off, until he stopped me.
"You never gave your virginity to Cameron. Why me?"
"Because I dont have any doubts."
"I'm not going to take advantage of your break up with Cameron to have sex with you..."
"Then let me take advantage of you." I smirked.
"You really want this." He questioned.
I hesitated, then went to speak. "Of c-"
He cut me off, "You hesitated. I'm not doing this."
I pouted, "Whenever you're ready then."
He started laughing, "That's supposed to be the guy's line to make the girl not feel pressured."
"Well now its mine so that you dont feel pressured."
"Tomorrow night?" He asked as I walked away.
"You lost your shot babe. Love you." I said laughing, going into my room.

Yikes very short but I promise I'll make it up to you guys next chapter.(-:

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