Chapter 14

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Hi I'm so sorry! I haven't been on here at all for months but I miss it so I'm going to try & make time to write again! Yes this chapter is short but I promise I'm already working on the next! Again, I'm so sorry, 4 months is so long!

I woke up in Matt's bed, I felt his arms around me but I didn't hear his usual light snores.
"You're awake." He mumbled.
I nodded, "Did you get any sleep?"
"No, I just laid with you all night after I carried you to bed."
"I'm not as strong as I make myself to be." I said softly.
"Babe, you don't have to-"
"Shh, you know the first two months of mine and Cam's relationship I cried myself to sleep everynight? I knew we'd have to tell his fans and I was scared, then when we did the hate was even worse than I ever imagined. I broke and my dad fell asleep in my bed at least five nights out of every week because I'd have these panic attacks or nightmares."
"I never knew that..."
"I didn't let anyone know, especially Cam. It was just my dad and I."
"We were best friends, you could have told me anything."
"I was too scared...I dont want sympathy. I just dont want you to expect anything out of me. I feel like Cam expected me to stay strong with few breaking points and I'm honestly one of the most sensitive people out there. I just need you to know when to be there for me and when I do need you, reassure me that its okay to not be okay sometimes."
"Of think Cam expected you to be okay all the time?"
"Not exactly like that, he didn't mean too but I pretended to be okay all the time so every time I broke we got in a fight because it worried him and he would panic and over-react. I got used to having to act okay 24/7."
"You don't have to be okay, baby...I'm here when you're a hot mess and you have your shit together too. I'm not leaving."
I cuddled into him, "With you, I feel so safe." I smiled.
"Your dad wants us over."
"We should spend the night over there tonight."
"Alright, I'll give him a call."
" and my dad? Talking? Without arguing?"
"We had a good talk last night, he's being very supportive, we got a little friendship or something going on." He said and smirked.
"Finally!" I exclaimed and laughed, "Go call my dad while I pack and get ready."
"Yes ma'am."

Once we were all packed and ready, we got on the road. I took a selfie of us and posted it on instagram, 'roadtrip with my baby!'
"You're so cute." He said and laughed.
"I'm freaking hot." I said jokingly.
"You're adorable."
I pouted, "Shut up, you know you want me."
"Of course I do, you're sexy babe."
I smiled, "That's right baby."
"You actually make me want to pull over." He chuckled.
I looked over at him, and raised an eyebrow. He laughed at me and focused on the road again.
"I'm almost positive you can survive until tomorrow afternoon." I said and laughed at him.
"Then stop teasing me." He said with a frown.
"Make me." I smirked.
"Shouldn't have said that, because now I'm determined to make you." He said as he put his blinker on.
"Where are we going?"
"To that empty parking lot over there."
"Oh my god."
I didn't think he was serious until he pulled into the back of the parking lot. I looked over at him and hesitated.
"What? You think I'm dumb enough to get you pregnant?"
I laughed loudly and smashed my lips onto his.
"Wait!" I said.
I pulled out my phone and texted my dad, 'hit traffic. going to be a little late.'

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