Chapter Three

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When I woke up Cameron was no where to be seen. I face-palmed myself, I waisted the time I had with him sleeping. I'm so mad right now. I put my head in my hands and started crying. I called my bestfriend, I needed him.

"Hello?" I heard him mumble in a sleepy voice.

"I just woke you up didnt I?" I sighed, can I do anything right?

"It's okay." He said and laughed.

"I need your help, Matt." I mumbled.


"Cam and I never see each other and we keep fighting...I feel like crap."

"You guys might need to take a break, Gabs. I know you dont want to but maybe its for the best?"


"Gabriella Peyton Remmings. Listen to me."

"I am Matthew Lee Espinosa."

"Take a break, honestly, maybe it'll bring you guys closer together."

"I just wanna see you right now...are you busy?"

"Just waiting for Cam to get back here, why?"

"I'm driving down there okay? I cant do it anymore. Can I crash at your place for a week or two?"

"Of course, the doors are always open for ya."

"I'll be there in a couple hours. Dont tell Cam, I want it to be a surprise. I love ya."

"I love ya more!" He said then hung up before it caused an argument.

I began packing, it took me an hour before I was ready to go. I wrote a note to my dad saying I'd be gone for about a week then took off.

Shawn came on the radio, so I turned it up and sang along to it. The drive was starting to be really lonely and I'd only been on the road for an hour. I pulled over to fill up my tank and get a few snacks. They didnt help at all.

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