Chapter 8

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I felt terrible about catching feelings for Matthew, but it happened. I took a deep breath and knocked on Cameron's door, he answered and gave me a smile smile.
"Uh, come in."
I walked in and sat on the couch.
"Where's Nash?" I asked.
"Filming a scene...they didn't need me today."
Should I tell him? I don't know what to do.
"I miss you." He said softly, "I know that kiss with Matthew didn't mean anything...I just want things to go back to the way they were but my feelings are all over the place."
"We don't need to be in a rush to get back together. Let's just take our time."
"Why wouldn't you want to be with me as much as possible? I feel like you changed..."
"I haven't, I promise. I just kissed Matthew and kind of hate myself for it."
"Well, dont. I've made stupid decisions too, it's not like you're the only one who does things they regret."
"That's kind of the thing, Cam." I took a deep breath, here we go. "I kind of don't regret it?"
He looked down, I couldn't tell whether he wanted to break down or punch a wall...or both.
" basically...enjoyed it."
"I didn't want to and I certainly didn't mean to, I mean, I love you and my feelings for you are so strong and nothing can change that. I guess you can say there was a little something I felt between Matthew and I. I'm sorry, Cam."
"How about we do this. You go home and figure out what you want. Choose."
"Cameron don't get mad it's not like I can help what I feel."
"Just leave...please."
We got up and he walked me to the door, but when we opened it Matthew was standing there ready to knock.
"I really don't care to see you right now." Cameron told Matthew.
"I know but I have something to say."
"Go ahead." I spoke up.
"Uh. I like Gabby."
Cameron looked heated. "Both of you get the fuck out, please. I cant deal with you two right now."
"Cameron I'm sorry she's my best friend I didn't mean to like her!" Matthew said sadly.
"That kiss meant nothing huh? Nothing? Just please leave me alone."
He looked at me disgusted, "Don't you dare call me baby. I'm sure as hell not your baby."
Then he shut the door.
Matthew tried calming me, "It's okay Gabs..."
"No it's not! That stupid kiss ruined everything!"
"Oh..that stupid kiss." He muttered.
"You know I didn't mean it like that!"
Cameron opened the door, "Take your little argument somewhere else! Somewhere far, far away!"
Then he slammed the door again.
"This is all your fault!" Matthew yelled and stormed off.
But he's right. It's all my fault.
I got mad, chasing after him. I barely caught him at the elevator.
"How DARE you! After you know everything I'm going threw!" I yelled at him.
"What are you going threw, Gabs?! Having to choose between two men who would give the world to you?! There are women out there getting abused by men right now. So, poor you!"
"Are you serious?! Like you've never regretted anything in your life!"
"Yeah! BECOMING YOUR BESTFRIEND." He said while getting off the elevator. He stormed off again, but I let him go this time.
My eyes started watering.
'He didnt mean it. He didnt mean it.'
I kept repeating that to myself.
But what if he did?
What would I do if I lost my best friend?
Nash came walking up, "Gabs?"
"Um. I'm sorry. Just tell Cam I'm sorry and to just call me when he wants to talk."
"Please tell me you guys are on the right track to making up..." He sighed.
"Not even close." I muttered, my eyes filling with tears.
"Come here." He said and opened his arms.

Wow another short chapter! I'm sorry I'll get better! I've just been really busy! But maybe you guys can help me out by commenting who you want Gabby with! Stay awesome, love you guys, thanks for reading! xoxo

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