Your work is finished Part 1

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The band just finished their newest album. There was a couple of tweeks the needed to be done for the mixing but sense there was no deadline they weren't in a rush. At least Jake and CC weren't. Ashley,Jinxx,and Andy were currently in "big" head space. Their part of the work was done but they didnt want to stop. They would go over the album to make sure it was perfect but then go over it again to make sure. They've been in the dining room doing this all morning and were starting to get crabby. CC looked at Jake and said "This is getting ridiculous." Jake said "I know they're going to drive themselves crazy, and me!" CC said "Why dont we have them go little so they can relax? I like when they go little." CC smiled. Jake sighed "Well we can see if they will but from the way this has been going all morning I doubt this will be easy." CC went up to the 3 non stop working band members and said "Ok you guys,this is getting out of control. The album is done and you all know it. Your all working yourselves insane! Its time for you all to relax. You should go into little space and kick back." Andy immediately spoke up saying "No way! We have to make sure this album is perfect! We cant release it until it is absolutely perfect!" Ashley chimed in "We cant stop until the work is done and perfect." Jake was getting irritated,he said "You know damn well the album is done! Theres no deadline to finish and its already been checked over multiple times for things that need to be fixed. There is none and all I have to do is mix it and email it. Dont you wanna just relax in your diapers and footed jammies? Snuggled up with your teddy bears while me and mommy bottle feed you?" Jake was obviously trying to persuade them. Andy said "Nice try Jake! your not gonna sweet talk us into stopping." Ashley said "Ya! were arent gonna fall for it." Jinxx stayed quiet. CC looked at Jake and smirked. CC knows that its either Ashley or Jinxx who will break first. CC said "Well thats too bad, I was gonna put chocolate milk in your bottles and make mac n cheese. I was planning on putting hot dog pieces in there too and we couldve all cuddled on the couch together and watched a movie." CC knew what he was doing. Andy and Ashley could tell it was starting to work on Jinxx. Andy warned "Dont do it Jinxx! Dont fall for it!" Ashley said "Stay strong Jinxx! Dont give in!" Jake added, "Mommy and daddy just wanted to spend time with their 3 precious babies we love so much." It worked, Jinxx finally broke down and started crying "Mommy! Daddy!" and held his arms out making grabby hands. CC happily picked him up and cooed "Aww its ok baby,mommys here. Lets go get you a binkie and your diaper on."as he carried him to the nursery/playroom. Jake smiled and said "Dont you guys wanna join your brother?" Ashley said "No actually we dont." Andy said "Just because you got Jinxx to break doesnt mean youll get us to break too!" Jake sighed,"Im trying to help you guys. All this unnecessary stress isnt healthy and will make you sick." CC came walking back into the dining room with Jinxx in his arms and said "Heres one happy baby! Im ready for the other two!" Jinxx was in a light blue onesie and his elmo diaper. He hugged his teddy bear,Captain Cuddles, while he smiled with an elmo binkie in between his teeth. CC put him down on the play mat in the living room and said "Ok, whos next?"

This was gonna be just a one part story but i didnt realize how long it was getting.

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