Scary Thunderstorm

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It was a little past 2am when it started to rain. The sky opened up and it poured! Andy, Jinxx, and Ashley were all sleeping in their cribs despite the heavy downpour. None of them noticed the flash of lightning but all 3 of them woke up to a loud BOOM from the thunder that shook the window of their shared bedroom. Ashley's crib is right next to the window and he started to whimper. Jinxx, being in the crib right next to him, heard him and asked in a shaky voice "Ashie,are you okie big brudder?". Ashley responded with an equally shaky voice "Ya, I okie. But dat was scawy!." Just then Andy spoke up from his crib,which is on the other side of Jinxx's,and said in a scared,whiney tone "Ashie Jinxxie i scawed!" and started to tear up. Ashley tried to keep him calm "Its okie baby brudder! We're inside so we're safe. Right Jinxie?" Ashley asked looking for backup. Jinxx responded "Ya Andy! We're inside. The scawy boom was outside. We'll be okie." Still being nervous Andy asked "What if the wain goes boom again?". Thinking fast Jinxx said, "Don't worry Andy, if does I doubt it will be that loud again so it wont be so scawy." Just then a flash of lightning streaked across the night sky and then BOOM the thunder goes again but this time doesn't shake the windows. That didn't stop the three littles from getting scared. Andy started crying and yelled "MOMMY! DADDY!" Then Jinxx and Ashley started to cry and yell for mommy and daddy too. CC was the first to run into the room to comfort his babies, "Boys! Boys! Its ok! Its ok! Mommys here!" he said trying to calm them down. Jake walks into the room to help his boyfriend with their babies, "Hey! Hey! Shhh shhh shhh, don't cry! Don't be scared!" he said in a calm voice. CC looked at Jake and said "Maybe we should have the boys sleep with us the rest of the night." Jake got a very confused look on his face and asked "But babe, how are we all gonna fit on one bed? There's five of us!" CC raised and eyebrow and said "Uhm Jake? Thats why we got an Alaskan king sized mattress. We can just sleep sideways. They'll be plenty of room that way." Jake said "Hmm your right babe." and gave CC a quick peck on the lips before turning his attention back to the three boys and said "Alright you guys, you three are gonna sleep with me and mommy tonight. How does that sound?" They all perked up and cheered "Yay!". CC got Ashley then Jinxx out of their cribs while Jake got Andy. Before they left the room Jinxx spoke up and said "Mommy I gotta go pee-pee!" and grabbed his crotched while he did a potty dance. CC said "Ok baby lets get you to the potty. Jake are Ash and Andy's diapers wet?"Jake checked their diapers and said "Nope, both still dry!" CC nodded and said "Ashley, Andy, come on. You two might as well go potty before we go back to bed." They both nodded in agreement and Andy said cheerfully "Okie mommy!" Jake and CC led the boys too the bathroom so they could all use their own designated potties that matched their diapers. Ashley had his hello kitty potty, Andy had his batman potty, and Jinxx had his elmo potty. After they were all done and washed their hands they grabbed their binkies and teddy bears and followed mommy and daddy into their room. With CC on one end and Jake on the other, they cuddled up to their boys with a smile as they all quickly fell back asleep. Thunderstorms may be scary, but Andy, Jinxx, and Ashley know that mommy and daddy will always be there to cuddle and make them feel much better.

*Hope you guys liked it! I decided i would make this story a little longer than the previous one.

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