Our Secret Experiment Part 1 ~Andly~

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Ashley p.o.v:

We just got off the tour bus at our hotel. This wasn't a typical hotel though. These were cabins in a wooded-like area. It actually had a peaceful vibe to it. As if your out camping in the middle of nowhere but still near society. I'm usually a party animal along with CC but I was tired tonight. But there is also another reason I just wanna go to sleep.  I have a slight problem. My problem is my curiosity. Its making me think crazy things. I don't know why I'm feeling curious to know what its like to kiss a dude but I am. Plus to make things worse I feel like I wanna experiment on  Andy of all people. I'm not sure what it is but I really wanna know what its like to kiss him. But that's insane so i just want to ignore those thoughts and go to sleep. I was hoping for a cabin by myself but there wasn't any available,just my luck. The hotel only had 2 cabins left. One with 3 beds and One with 2 beds. Either way I wont be alone unfortunately. So we had to pick who was sleeping where. CC being the knuckle-head said "Alright I call the party cabin! Who wants to join me?" Jake asked "Well which ones the party cabin?" CC answered "Well depends on how many of you guys wanna party with me. I'm thinking the cabin with the 3 beds in it should work since its bigger." I said "You guys go ahead and have fun. I'll sleep in the other cabin. I dont feel like partying tonight." All 4 of my band mates looked at me like I had 2 heads. Jinxx said "Ashley Purdy not wanting to party? Did my ears hear that correctly?" Slightly annoyed i said "Yes you did. Sorry for being a human being and needing a decent night sleep once in a while." Andy said "I'm with Ash on this one. I could use some extra rest tonight." All i could think is "Oh shit,this can't be happening! Why me?!" Jake said "Well CC,looks like just you,me,and Jinxx tonight. Lets party!" We said our goodnight's and went to our separate cabins. I felt so awkward and dirty. I said to Andy when we walked in "Hey I need a shower,did you wanna take one first? You can if you want." trying so hard to just act normal. Andy said "Sure I'll shower first,thanks Ashley." I answered "Your welcome" as he grabbed his stuff and shut the bathroom door. As soon as I heard the shower turn on thought of Andy naked started swirling through my head. This is gonna be a long night.

Andy p.o.v:

As I stepped into the shower I couldn't help but wonder "What is with Ashley tonight? He seems like somethings bothering him. Oh no! What if he figured out I have a crush on him and that's why he's acting so weird?" I tried to not panic. Maybe I'm wrong and he is just tired. There's no way he could've figured out I think he's cute. Though its hard not too. Those cheek bones that could cut through glass, the way is "outlaw" tattoo goes across his toned abs,his sweet smile,those warm brown eyes,his cute little butt. I looked down and without even realizing it I was hard...and touching myself. I hurried up and finished my shower so Ashley can have his turn. I put on my sweats and a tank top and stepped out of the bathroom. When I opened the door our eyes locked for a split second when I said "Your turn Ashley." and looked away as I walked to my bed on the opposite side of the room. He gave me a little half smile and said "Thanks" before walking into the bathroom with his stuff in his arms and closing the door behind him. This isn't fair. I'm not even gay! I know for a fact Ashley isn't either. I just wish I could know what its like to kiss him,just once at least. Hold him in my arms and cuddle with him. Ugh! Why?! Why must my band's bass player be so damn cute?! Just then i heard the shower turn off. I thought "Oh shit! Act normal. Don't make yourself look suspicious." and played on my phone while i waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. I can't take this anymore. I've gotta figure out a way to convince him to let me kiss him. Maybe I can bring it up in a casual conversation. But what the hell kinda conversation can we have that I could even mention us kissing each other? I can't just be blunt and straight foreword! Ashley would think I've lost my damn mind. Though at this point,I think I have. He stepped out of the bathroom. I looked up from my phone and gave him a quick smile  and a nod before looking back at my phone. He smiled and nodded back at me. There's gotta be a way I can get him to let me kiss him. There just has to be! I'm not gay,just bi-curious. 

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