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It was early in the morning. The sun was slightly peaking over the horizon. Jinxx woke up with a stuffy,runny nose and a slight headache. He felt kinda dizzy and sweaty despite feeling cold. He let out a horse cough and it hurt his throat. He groaned and looked over at Andy on the other side of the room. Jinxx fell into little space and quietly called out with a scratchy voice "Dada." Andy continued to sleep, not hearing him. Jinxx croaked out slightly louder since he couldn't raise his voice very loud "Dada! cough, cough" Andy woke up with a yawn and stretch rolling over and saying "Jinxx whats wrong? You don't sound too good." Jinxx coughed again and moaned "I feel ucky." Andy said "Oh Jinxx that cough doesn't sound good." He turned on the table lamp next to his bed and walked over to Jinxx's bed. 

He put the back of his hand against Jinxx's forehead to feel his temperature and said "Oh baby you're burning up! Let me get the thermometer and cough medicine. I'll get you some water to rinse the medicine down since it's yucky." Before Andy could leave the room Jinxx whined "Dada, potty." Andy asked "You gotta go potty baby?" Jinxx nodded with a frown. He knew he had to get up to use the potty since he wasn't wearing a diaper or a pull up but he felt too sick and weak to get up. Andy said "Here, let me line your baby potty with a diaper so you don't have to walk too far and I'll help you up."

Andy lined Jinxx's baby potty (which was decorated in Elmo stickers and decals) with his matching Elmo diaper and helped Jinxx out of bed. Despite it not being very cold Jinxx still felt a chill when his Dada pulled his sweat pants and big boy underwear down. Jinxx sat on his potty and peed then Andy helped him back in bed. After tucking him back in Andy said "Ok I'm gonna throw your wet diaper away and grab the thermometer and cough medicine. I'll put your water in a baby bottle and put you in a diaper so you don't have to get out of bed. I'll be right back."

Andy threw his diaper away and filled his baby bottle with water. He went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed the thermometer and cough syrup. Andy came back into the room and said "Ok Jinxxy I'm gonna check your temperature and give you some medicine for that nasty cough." Andy checked his temperature and frowned "103 you're definitely sick. Here take some medicine and get some sleep It's still early." Jinxx drank the medicine and cringed. In a raspy voice he said "That does not taste like grape." Andy said "I know, here's your bottle with water to wash it down with while I'll put you in a diaper." After Andy put Jinxx in his diaper he said "I'm gonna go sleep in the spare room since you're sick. But don't worry I'll have the baby monitor on if you need anything." Jinxx moaned when Andy left the room. He liked having Dada there with him. 

Later that morning Andy woke back up and checked on Jinxx. He was asleep so he went downstairs where the rest of the band already was. He said "Bad news guys, Jinxx is sick. He woke up this morning with a 103 fever and his voice is about gone." Ashley was in little space and asked sweetly "Baby Jinxx sick?" Andy nodded and sighed "Ya, baby Jinxx is sick." Ashley frowned and said "Aww, poor Jinxie." Andy kissed his forehead and they all sat down for breakfast."

After breakfast Jake went upstairs to check on 

Jinxx. Jinxx's eyes went wide and he perked up slightly seeing his daddy. Jake asked "Jinxxy? You wanna try eating some breakfast buddy?" Jinxx frowned and shook his head and said quietly "Sickie daddy." Jake said "I know your sickie, you wanna watch your Blues Clues?" Jinxx nodded his head and Jake turned the cartoon on and left the room to let Jinxx rest. Later on that afternoon CC went to check on him. He woke him up and said "Jinxxy? You wanna try and eat some lunch? I'll make you some chicken noodle soup." Jinxx nodded and said "But I no wanna get up mommy." CC smiled and said "I'll tell you what, I'll make your soup,wrap you up like a burrito, carry you downstairs,and spoon feed you myself. How does that sound?" Jinxx smiled and nodded. CC made the soup then went and wrapped Jinxx in his blanket and carried the sniffling Jinxx to the kitchen. 

CC held Jinxx in his lap (mostly Jinxx's legs while he sat in the chair next to him) and spoon fed him his chicken noodle soup. CC went to hold the bowl up to Jinxx mouth so he could drink the broth. Jinxx unwrapped his arms and said "I do it mommy." After lunch CC carried Jinxx back up stairs. Ashley waved at Jinxx sadly from the living room and Jinxx waved back. Ashley felt bad his little brother was sick and couldn't play. CC tucked Jinxx back in and said "Ok here's your binkie and here's your bear." Jinxx hugged Captain Cuddles and sucked his binkie contently. He was sick for 3 days. He finally started feeling better by day 4.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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