A Suggestion and an Apology Part 3 ~Cashley~

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Ashley stood up when he heard the door opening. Relieved to see CC he ran up to him and said "CC you came back!" He went to hug him but CC stopped him and said "Don't I just came by to grab my stuff. I'll be in Jake's room." Ashley put his hand on CC's shoulder and said "CC please" but CC cut him off swatting his hand away and angrily said "Ashley just leave me alone and don't touch me! I don't want to be near you right now. I have some things I need to think about." Despite being afraid to ask Ashley asked anyway "What is there to think about? Can't we talk about this?" CC spat back "No not right now! I don't know if I even want to bother trying to discuss this with you!"

Ashley raised his voice saying "Isn't our relationship worth trying to save to you?!" CC yelled back "I don't know yet Ashley! I can't deal with you right now! I thought you loved me!" Ashley yelled "I do love you CC! I want to be with you forever! I just don't see the need to get married in order to show it! But I swear I love you!" CC looked at him angrily and said "Well you sure have a funny way of showing it. Now I'm done discussing this! I can't think if I sleep here. So I'm leaving and that's that! No more! I'm done!' CC turned away. He instantly regretted saying that. He knew that was too harsh. Behind him Ashley started tearing up. Ashley ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. CC finished packing his things to go to Jake's room for the night.

Before he could walk out the door he realized "Shit i forgot my toothbrush." He rolled his eyes and opened the bathroom door saying "I'm just grabbing my..." then he stopped. He was in utter shock at what he was seeing. Thee Ashley Purdy sitting on the floor,curled into a ball crying into his arms. CC's heart broke seeing his boyfriend like that. Ashley never cries. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He asked "Ashley? Are you...?" not sure whether to ask if he was crying or ok. Ashley mumbled something. CC asked "What?" Ashley mumbled again slightly louder but still CC still couldn't understand him. CC said "Ashley I can't understand what you're saying."  Ashley lifted his head looking at CC and crying out "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you!" CC squatted on the floor next to him trying to comfort him.

CC wrapped his arms around his crying lover and said "Ashley I'm the one who should be sorry. I over reacted. I know you love me and you're right. We don't NEED to get married to be committed to each other forever. I love you Ashley I can't leave you I love you too much to leave you." Ashley sniffled "But you WANT to get married. I'm just wasting your time." CC shook his head and said "No you're not. Any time I spend with you will never be wasted time to me. I respect your opinion about marriage. I love you enough to stay with you forever whether we get married or not. I'm not going anywhere." CC lifted Ashley's tear soaked chin and kissed his beautiful lips. He said "Please don't cry Ashley. It breaks my heart to see you cry." Ashley said "I love you CC,forever."  CC said "I love you forever too baby. Just know that the option for marriage is always on the table in case you change your mind" with a smile and a wink. Ashley smiled back and kissed him. They got off the bathroom floor and went back to cuddling on the bed. CC texted Jake to let him know he won't be sleeping in his room after all. Ashley laid there and smiled. Then he started thinking to himself...

"What if getting married isn't such a bad idea after all if it's to CC?" 


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