Rings, Betrayal, and The Truth ~Cashley~ Part 2

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Ashley was in shock. He stuttered "You...you kept yours?" CC said "Of course I did. I kept my promise and you obviously kept yours. I'm sorry for what I said in there, I didn't mean it." Ashley said "I don't understand. Why would you keep this ring after kicking me out of the band and ignoring me?" CC was confused. He asked "Kicking you out and ignoring you? What are you talking about?" Ashley explained everything. The 3 close family member deaths within 15 months, his depression, his multiple suicide attempts because of the depression,the stay in the mental hospital because of the multiple suicide attempts. 

CC said "Oh Ashley I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Ashley said "Then Andy texted me out of nowhere saying I'm out of the band. When I texted you guys nobody answered me. How come?" CC was shocked and confused. He said "Because Andy told us that you were going through something but wouldn't say what and that you didn't want to be in the band anymore and didn't WANT anyone to talk to you anymore. He said you wanted to end things with me but didn't have the heart to tell me yourself." Ashley said "What?! That's not true at all! I needed you!"

CC came to a horrible realization. He said "Oh my god...he lied to us." Ashley said "He lied to both of us." CC looked at Ashley and said "He lied to all of us!" Andy, Jake, and Jinxx, came outside and found them. Andy said "CC what are you doing? Come on, come back inside!" CC was pissed and Ashley can tell. CC had his fists clenched and walked up to Andy. Ashley followed behind him and said "CC, don't." CC yelled "You lied to us!" Andy asked "What?" Jinxx said "What are you talking about?" CC yelled "Andy you lied to all of us! Ashley didn't leave the band! You kicked him out!" Unanimously Jake and Jinxx yelled "What?!" Andy for once in his life was speechless. He stuttered "I...I.." CC yelled "How DARE you make Ashley think I don't love him anymore?! And trick me into thinking Ashley doesn't love me anymore!" 

CC sucker punched Andy right in his face knocking him to the ground. Jinxx said "Woe!" and Jake said "Holy shit!" CC yelled "This is all your fault! I lost him because of you!" and went to kick Andy in the face in a fit of rage. Before he could Ashley yelled "Chris stop!" Ashley knew that would get CC's attention and let him know he was serious. CC yelled "I will NEVER forgive you for this Andy!" and walked back to the bench with his arms around Ashley still pissed as Ashley rubbed his back trying to calm him down. Andy moaned "Ugh somebody help me up." Jake and Jinxx were pissed. Jake said "Forget it Andy! You lied to ALL of us! Lonny's gonna be PISSED when he finds out what you did!" As Jake and Jinxx walked away to go talk to CC and Ashley Andy said "Oh come on! The band is much better off without Ashley anyway! Look at all those sexual assault allegations!" Jinxx turned around and said "Oh please! Anyone with a brain can tell you those accusers are full of crap!" 

Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx talked it out while Andy went back to his hotel room himself. Andy ended up with a black left eye. After Jake and Jinxx explained to Lonny what Andy did he was understandably pissed. The next day the band all got on the tour bus. None of them were wanting to talk to Andy. CC wasn't on the bus yet. Jake and Jinxx watched from the tour bus door as CC and Ashley held each other close looking into each other's eyes saying their goodbyes. Jinxx said "CC needs to hurry up and get on the tour bus." Jake said "If they start making out I'm gonna puke." Jinxx yelled "LETS GO ROMEO!" CC and Ashley looked over at them and rolled their eyes and shook their heads causing Jake and Jinxx to laugh. CC held Ashley's chin and looked into his eyes one last time before walking quickly back to the tour bus smiling as Ashley watched him also smiling.

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