Our Secret Experiment Part 2 ~Andly~

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Andy P.O.V

"There's gotta be a way to start a casual conversation." Andy thought, "I've started conversations with Ashley before, why is this so hard know?" Andy decided to take a chance a break the silence. "Hey Ashley, you know what?" Ashley looked over at him and quietly answered "What?" Andy continued awkwardly "For some reason after that shower I'm not tired anymore." he said with a giggle he hoped didn't sound obviously faked.

Ashley P.O.V

Ashley's stomach dropped when Andy said he wasn't tired anymore. Now how was he gonna get any sleep? He answered "Oh, that's strange." trying to sound interested. Andy continued "You know, I read the craziest article that popped up on my twitter feed on the way here. I don't know why it was on there but it was pretty interesting.". Ashley got a little curious about what he was talking about, "What was it about?" Andy said "Well it was about bullying, and it said that now a days teens are being bullied because they're something called bi-curious.". Ashley was trying to not look nervous. He answered Andy "Bi-curious? Isn't that when your not homosexual but curious what its like to be one? Or something like that?" Andy answered "Ya, that's exactly what that is. It's just sad to see kids getting bullied for it." Ashley raised an eyebrow and said "Ya, that is really sad. There's nothing wrong with being curious. Curiosity is a natural human emotion."

Andy P.O.V

Andy's heart started racing a little when Ashley said that there's nothing wrong with being curious. He decided to take it a step further and said "I would never judge anybody for being curious about what its like to kiss someone of the same sex,no matter who it is." Ashley couldn't help but crack a little smile. He sat up,looked at Andy and said "Me neither! I'm sure the thought has crossed a lot of peoples minds and there's nothing wrong with that,no matter who you are." Andy took a breath,this is it. This is the ice breaker. He then said "Ya like just as an example, if you or someone else in the band was curious what its like to kiss a guy I would never judge." Ashley started blushing as he tried to keep his jaw from dropping in shock. He calmly replied "Same here,if you or one of the guys were curious I would never judge you either." Andy smiled in relief and said "That's good to know." and smiled at Ashley.

*Ok guys this story is getting longer than I expected. So guess what that means? There's gonna be a chapter 3! hey that rhymes...lol

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