A Suggestion and an Apology Part 2 ~Cashley~

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While Ashley was sitting on the bed trying to keep his composer despite being by himself he got a text message. He thought "Is it CC? Is he gonna apologize? What if he's not and it's more hurtful things?' He nervously picked up the phone. To his relief and slight annoyance it was just Jake. The message said "Hey I'm hungry and want sushi. Jinxx and Andy won't come with me you and CC wanna join me?"  Slightly irritated, Ashley responded "No I'm not hungry leave me alone. Go ask CC."  Jake looked at the message confused. Isn't he with CC? They're always together. He was too lazy to text so he called CC instead. When CC's phone rang he thought "Oh great its probably Ashley I told him to leave me alone." To his surprise it was Jake. He answered:

"CC- hello?

Jake-hey i'm hungry wanna get sushi?

CC-no i'm not hungry"

Jake can hear a bunch of noise in the background.

"Jake-where are you?

CC-i'm walking the strip. 

Jake-by yourself?

CC-ya wanna join? i'm by (insert random Las Vegas casino name)

Jake-sure i'm on my way."

Now Jake was really confused. "What is going on?" he thought.  He found CC at the casino they decided to meet at. He saw CC talking to a couple of scantily dressed girls. He was shocked. He called out to him "Dude!". CC said goodbye to the ladies and walked over to Jake "Hey.". Jake was in shock at what he saw and kinda disgusted "Dude what the hell are you doing?" CC smiled and said "What? I was just talking to some hot chicks." Jake said "Are you insane? What would Ashley think?" CC said "Who cares what Ashley thinks!" 

Shocked Jake said "Uhh you should! He is your boyfriend. C'mon CC you know better than that! What is going on here? Ashley sounded upset when I texted him."  CC with a snarky tone said "So? Let him be mad. He's the one with commitment issues!" Shocked Jake said "Oh my god did he cheat on you? How is that possible? You're always together!". CC cut him off before he started rambling "No no no he didn't cheat. I guess our relationship wasn't strong enough to last." he sighed. Jake said "What the hell are you talking about CC? You and Ashley have one of the strongest relationships I've ever seen. Remember all the crap you guys got when you first came out as bi and started dating? If you can survive all that bullshit you can survive anything! What happened?"

CC said "I asked Ashley if he ever thought about getting married and said we could get married while we're here in Vegas before the last show." Cutting him off Jake gasped "Oh my god you proposed and he said no?" Annoyed CC said "Ugh! No I did not propose! It was just a suggestion! But then Ashley told me he doesn't believe in marriage." Jake said "Oh man I'm so sorry to hear that." CC said " Ashley's excuse was he didn't need a piece of paper to show his commitment but sounds like a bunch of shit to me.He said he doesn't want to risk a divorce. To me it sounds like he doesn't want to be tied down so I figured fine than we don't need to be in a relationship." Jake nodded and said "Ok the divorce thing seems a bit dramatic but other than that I can see his point of view."

CC said surprised "You can?" Jake said "Ya if you think about it you guys are committed fully to each other all ready as if you were married. But there's no paper. Yet you two still love each other. Just because Ashley doesn't want to get married doesn't mean you can't still be together forever."  CC sighed "I think I just need some time to think about it." Jake said "You can sleep on the couch in my room if you decide to. Maybe you should talk to Ashley before deciding to end things all together." CC said "Thanks Jake I may just take you up on your offer I'm not sure if I want to talk to Ashley tonight." 

Jake and CC walked back to the hotel. Jake asked "So you gonna sleep in my room or yours and Ashley's?" CC said "I don't know yet I'll decide when I get there." They said their goodbyes and went to their rooms. CC sighed with dread as he went to put his key card in the door. He really wasn't ready to speak or look at Ashley again yet.

ok 3 parts

BvB fandom ships one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora