Rings, Betrayal, and The Truth ~Cashley~ Part 1

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*Flashback- CC and Ashley were sitting on the back bumper of the tour bus.

CC: I have something I want to give you.

Ashley:What is it?

(CC pulls a little black box out of his pocket) Ashley:What is that?!

CC: It's not what you think it is. Let me explain. I know you don't want to get married and I respect that. But I love you Ashley. With all of my heart and my soul and my being. I will love you the rest of my life regardless if we get married or not. I know our relationship isn't conventional and we aren't supposed to be together. (CC opens the box revealing 2 golden rings. Ashley gasps) So don't think of these as wedding rings. Think of it as a symbol that we promise each other that no matter what happens in our personal lives, or in the band, and no matter how far apart we are from each other or for how long, and no matter how long we may go without speaking to each other, that we will still have love for each other. No matter what. So Ashley Purdy, do you promise to wear this ring to symbolize that? You can wear it on your right ring finger instead of you left."

(Ashley smiles with tears in his eyes) Ashley: Yes! Yes I do! (Kisses CC passionately)

*Fast forward- Ashley was in BVB's hotel room arguing with them after he was invited over to have a civilized conversation to catch up on each other's lives after Ashley's departure from the band. They obviously got nowhere with that. Luckily Lonny wasn't there since his plane hadn't landed yet. Ashley yelled at CC "I can't believe you did this to me after all we've been through!" CC yelled back "I was just doing what you wanted!" Ashley yelled "This isn't what I wanted!" CC yelled "You were bringing this band down! It's because of your bad attitude that the band almost broke up!" (he didn't mean that) "Then you just up and decide to leave!"  Ashley yelled "How could you do this to me?! I thought what we had meant something to you!" CC yelled "What we had meant nothing!" (he DEFINITELY didn't mean that) Ashley's heart broke. He held back tears and took out his wallet. He took his ring of his wallet and said "Well then I guess keeping this was pointless." and threw his ring at CC's feet before quickly turning around and walking out of the room slamming the door.

CC picked up the ring in shock. Jake, Andy, and Jinxx were in shock. Jake asked "Is that a ring?" CC said "Oh my god he kept it." Jinxx said "What do you mean?" CC wasn't even paying attention and said "He had it this whole time." He got up and ran towards the door. Andy asked "CC where are you going?!" CC said "I have to go find him!" and ran out the door despite the fact he had no idea where he went. He just knew it was the day after their Nashville concert and Ashley lived there. He didn't know where Ashley's house is so he had to find him before Ashley went home. He ran out of the lobby door and was relieved to see Ashley sitting on the bench. Ashley was just sitting there with his hands in his lap and his head down. As CC got closer he can here Ashley sniffling. CC said quietly "Ashley..." When Ashley looked up at him he held out Ashley's ring and said "I shouldn't have this. I can't keep this." Ashley looked back down not wanting to look at CC and asked "Why not?" CC took out his wallet and pulled out his ring and said "Because I have my own."

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