Our Secret Experiment Part 3 ~Andly~

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Andy P.O.V:

"This is it!" Andy thought, "Ask him! Ask him! This is the perfect  segway!" Andy took a breath and spoke up "So, have you ever experienced being bi-curious Ashley? Just wondering since its obviously not a bad thing." Ashley blushed deeply and his eyes widened in shock at the question. He answered Andy trying to not sound nervous "Well I guess the thought may have crossed my mind a time or two. It can't be that much different from kissing a girl,unless the guy has a mustache." Andy giggled "Ya I've thought the same thing. Its probably exactly the same but hairyer."

Ashley P.O.V

Ashley said "I wonder if there's a way to find out but obviously without the controversy." Andy said "Well we can't just go kissing strangers,its too dangerous. It would have to be someone we know is clean and wont tell anybody." Ashley said "Where would we find one of those? We can't trust just anybody to keep a secret,even if we know for a fact they're clean." Andy said "Well as awkward as it sounds, I think the only person we can trust is each other. Think about it! Your curious, I'm curious, I'm clean, and I trust that your clean." Ashley confidently said "Of course I'm clean! I'm always protecting myself. Safety first!" Andy smiled and said "Plus on top of that,we can obviously trust each other not to say anything to anybody cause that will mean both of us are found out." Ashley said "That is a good point. So what should we do? Should we try it?"

Andy P.O.V

Andy smiled "Sure,why not? We can take it slow." Ashley said with a smile "Alright,lets test this out and get it over with." and came over to Andy's bed and sat next to him.

~{In Andy and Ashley's heads simoltaniously}~

"This is happening! This is actually happening! I'm about to kiss him"

Andy P.O.V

Andy looked into Ashleys beautiful honey brown eyes as Ashley looked into his blue eyes. Andy inched his head closer first,then Ashley did the same,and when Andy repeated that their lips touched and they both melted into the kiss. Sparks of passion filled the room as they deepend the kiss. When they stopped to catch their breath they stared at eachother and smiled. Andy said "Wow that wasnt so bad." Ashley smiled shyly as he shrugged and said "That was actually better than i expected." Andy smiled and said "I liked it." Ashley smiled and replied "I liked it too." Andy said "You know its been a long day,why dont we get some sleep?" Ashley said "Ya that sounds like a good idea." as he walked back to his bed. Andy shut the table lamp off and laid down. He looked toward Ashley and happily said "Goodnight Ashley". Ashley smiled as he shut his lamp off and layed down. Ashley yawned and said "Goodnight Andy" as he closed his eyes while still smiling. Andy stared up at the ceiling of the darkend room and thought "Holy crap I did it! I actually kissed Ashley fucking Purdy, and we both liked it!"

*I did it! I finally finished this story! Now to move on to the next chapter idea when it comes.

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