You Can't Have Cheese and Candy For Dinner

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It was a typical evening in the Black Veil Brides house. Ashley, Andy, and Jinxx all decided to go little tonight. Jake said "Ok boys! Daddy's making dinner tonight!" Andy knew Jake was gonna make something healthy which he knows will be gross.  Andy had his binky in his mouth and said "I want teese and candy." Ashley giggled with his binky in his mouth and said "Hehehehe! Andy we cant have teese and candy for dinnoh tilly!" Jake said "I'm making something really yummy!" Jinxx, also with his binky in his mouth, asked "What ith it daddy?" Jake said "I'm making grilled chicken with long grain rice and broccoli!" Andy whined "Nooooo!" 

CC said "Andy I'm giving you one warning. Knock it off right now. Don't even start." Andy whined "I don't WANT bwoccoli foh dinnoh!" Jake warned "Andy...stop it right now!" Andy's binky fell out of his mouth and he yelled "I WANT CHEESE AND CANDY FOR DINNER!" Jake yelled back "You can't have cheese and candy for dinner!" Andy started kicking his feet yelling "I want it! I want it! I want it." CC said "Andy knock it off right now before I give you a spanking and put you in the corner!"

Andy started throwing a tantrum. He lying face down on the floor kicking and punching the ground screaming "I hate broccoli! I hate it! I hate it! I don't want it!" CC was not having it. He grabbed Andy's arm and said "I told you to knock it off!" and gave Andy 4 HARD smacks right on his flat ass. Andy was now crying from the spanking. CC yelled "Get your ass up and go put your nose in the naughty corner! Right now! I told you not to start whining! You're eating what's being made for dinner and don't turn around until I say so!"  Andy went to the naughty corner and continued crying." Jake said "Knock it off Andy!" Andy stood there sniffling with some hiccups.

Finally Jake finished making dinner. Jake gave Jinxx his plate and CC gave Ashley his. After Jinxx and Ashley got their food CC went up to Andy and said "Come sit down and eat." Andy let out a small wine when he saw the broccoli on his plate. Jake said "Don't start Andy. Here, I got something that should help." Jake got some melted cheese sauce and poured a BUNCH over Andy's broccoli. Ashley wined "Heyyyy! Daddy what about us?" Jinxx said "Ya daddy! We like cheese too!" Jake said "Hold on you two." and poured some cheese sauce over their broccoli too. CC decided to be a smart ass and asked "Do I get some too?" Jake rolled his eyes and said "Ha-ha very funny. Here, a little bit for you and the tiny bit that's left for me."

CC said "Andy I'll make a deal with you. You eat ALL your broccoli like a good boy along with the rest of your food I'll give you a tootsie pop after dinner. Ashley, Jinxx before you ask you two were already getting one after dinner." Ashley and Jinxx smiled. CC asked "Do we have a deal Andy?" Andy frowned and sighed "Yes mommy." Andy cringed as he ate his broccoli, despite being practically more cheese than broccoli. He was the last one to finish his food. When he  finished he said "Mommy daddy I'm all done. I ate all my broccolis!" Jake said "Good job baby!" CC said "I knew you can do it! Here's your tootsie pop baby boy." Ashley and Jinxx hugged Andy for eating his broccoli and they all three sat on the floor playing with their toys enjoying their tootsie pops.

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