Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes...

I felt a strong arm around my waist pulling my back against a hard chest. I gasped and immediately got up. What the hell is going on?! My head was hurting me so much and my vision was still blurry from the long sleep. I rubbed my eyes quickly, over and over till they were finally wide open. A gasp escaped my mouth when I realized that I was on some kind of a ...jet?! How the hell did I get in here?! I ran towards the door and pushed it open only to find out that I was on a beautiful island. I stood there with my eyes wide open, motionless. How the hell did all of that happen? And when? I finally recovered and rushed into the jet once more. The man who was lying next to me was awake and rubbing his eyes lazily.

"Good morning babe. How is your head?" He said flashing me a lazy smile and managed to get up making his way towards me.

"Stay away " I snapped and he froze.

"W-What's wr-wrong ? " He sttutered and I could see the full worry and confusion written in his eyes.

"W-Who are you? " I took a step back. My breath was getting heavier every passing second.

"What?! Are you okay?" He frowned his eyebrows and took a step towards me.

"Who are yo ?! " I screamed and he froze in his place.

"Z-Zayn... Y-Your boyfriend " He said carefully looking at me in the eyes. My heart fell to the knot of my stomache. My boyfriend?!! I don't have a fucking boyfriend.

"You're lying " I said in a low voice, taking another step back.

"Are you okay ?" He asked looking at me in the eyes. I looked deep in his eyes and saw nothing but honesty. My body began to shake and that's when I couldn't take it. I rushed out of the jet, hearing my name being called but I ignored him. I shivered when my bare feet touched the cool sand. I fastened my steps and walked away from the jet and plopped down on the sand. I pulled my knees to my chest and began to cry. What? I had an amnesia or something? As much as I hate to admit it but there's something telling me he's not lying. He can't be a kidnapper. He wouldn't come all the way here to this island if he just wanted to kidnap me. But I don't remember him at all. And I don't remember having a boyfriend in my whole life. And I can definitely remember my best friends, Rayn and Jennifer. I shook my head and tried to remember that Zayn guy again but I just cauldn't. Does my mom know we're here? My mom!! I completely remember her!! And my dad. And yeah I can remember the latest events. We were clubbing and I was wasted so I kept running into people and stuff. And I even can barely remember kissing someone that I don't even remember.... Ew. But Yes! I can remember this and everything. Where I lived... my favourite food. Everything. So why can't I remember how I got here or who that man is. I looked at the jet once more. It wasn't even damaged so we didn't crash. Tears began to stream down my face. What am I gonna do now? What if I really have amnesia? But no!! I can't let him mess with my head. He can't mess with my head. I'm fine... totally fine.

"Violet? " I heard a soft voice whispering my name. I looked up to see the ma- Zayn looking down at me. "Can I sit down? " He asked softly and carefully as if he expected me to snap at him or something. I nodded and buried my face in my arms.

"I want to go home " I said trying to hold my tears back. I waited for his respond but it never came. I looked up just to see his tensed state."Did you not hear me?! I want to go home! " I began to raise my voice as fear and anger began to build inside of me.

"We c-can't " He said looking away. What?!

"Why? " I asked, eager to know why the hell we couldn't go back home.

"We nearly ran out of fuel during our flight to Canada so we had to land on here before we crashed. So what we have left of the feul is not enough to go anywhere. I guess we will just be staying here till we find a solution " Zayn explained and my heart stopped beating for a moment. So I'm stuck on an island with some stranger that's pretending to be my boyfriend that I can't even remember?!

I buried my face in my arms again and began to sob. That's just too much to me. I felt two strong, warm arms wrapping themselves around me.

"Don't touch me! " I snapped suddenly, making him remove his arms quickly. I moved a little away from him and began to sob loudly again.

"I'm sorry Vi, Everything's gonna be okay " He said softly trying to reassure me. But no, nothing could ever help. Wait, he said 'Vi'?! He said 'Violet'? He knows my name?! If he was some kidnapper he would have done what he wanted without even knowing my name. He wouldn't reassure me when I cried. He wouldn't wrap his arms around me for comfort. But still I can't be forgetting if I have a boyfriend or not. I've never had a fucking boyfriend!

"I need to know what happened yesterday. I need to know everything " I told him and he sighed.

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