Chapter 14

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I leaned my head back on Zayn's chest letting myself relax in his warm and comfortable embrace.

"Zayn.. "

"Yes, love? " He said pressing his cheek on the top of my head.

"Tell me more about us, how did we meet? How long have we been together? " I asked, my eyes never leaving the beautiful view of the moon in the night sky surrounded by the starts, and its reflection shining in the sea ahead of me. I curled my toes in the cool sand, enjoying the night cool breeze. Everything was peaceful and just perfect.

"As for how we met, well you always went to that café around the corner and so did I. You'd always sit at that table at the very back and I'd sit at the table at table at the front doing nothing but watching you ever since you've caught my eyes. Don't wanna sound like a freak but i've always enjoyed watching you"

"How you'd put everything on the table in order because you hate when things are messy around you. How you're always careful not to get any drop of the coffee you're drinking on the coffee plate because you hate it when things are not clean, and if you do get a drop on the plate, you'd eaither wipe it quickly before you freak out and start cleaning the whole place or you'd simply ask for another one as soon as possible " He chuckled and I listened carfully to everything he said, my heart beating so fast, my stomache felt like it would explode any moment from all the fireworks dancing around inside of it.

" I loved everything about you and that's where I decided that I should go and talk to you. You were surprised at first as why would a stranger talk to you, let alone someone as breathtaking as myself " He smirked, doing that shoulder brushing gesture.

"Don't flatter yourself, big guy " I laughed and slapped his arm gaining his breath-taking laugh.

"You know that I am so breath-taking, you're just too stubborn to admit it" He stuck out his tongue at me and I glared up at him playfully making him burst out laughing.

"Anyways, we'd meet everyday in the same place at the same table and we'd drink the same coffee, but we never got bored because we were doing it together and that's what made it special. Until one day I decided to ask you out and I can never forget how happy you were, how your eyes were glowing under the night sky, you were so beautiful " I could hear the smile in his voice and he wrapped his arms around my waist. My heart was bounding in my chest as I listened in awe. I turned around in his arms so I was facing him.

"I can imagine how perfect everything was back then " I smiled and leaned up to leave a kiss on his soft lips.

"It was " He smiled down at me, that warm smile that makes my stomache flutter with butterflies.

And how long have we been dating? " I asked curiously.

"Three months " He smiled and my eyes widened in surprise. Three months and I can't remember him??


"Yeah, so I thought it would be pretty cool to make your 'first date' on your birthday, as funny as it sounds " he chuckled using his fingers to make quotation marks.

"We should make it special " He winked.

"Oh, come on " I laughed and leaned my head back on his chest. Enjoying his warmth in the cool breeze.

We didn't say anything else after that, we just eniyed the comfortable scilence. My head never stopped thinking about what I've been making him go through just because I've hit my head. This didn't seem fair.

I wished if I could just get my memory back somehow. He didn't have to get hurt everyday, he didn't have to keep up with someone like me that doesn't even remember him. He could get any girl he wanted just with a snap of his fingers, seeing as he's a handsome and rich guy. But he chose to stick by me, to help me get my memory back, to relive every single moment we once had, with me again.

Guilt was eating me alive and I felt the need to make it all up for him. That's what I was going to do.

I turned around in his arms again so I was straddling him and cupped his face.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this right now, it must be hard to go from what we were to what we are now but I can only promise you that I'm trying to make this work " I leaned in to leave a soft kiss on his lips.

"I know you are baby, I know you are " he left a kiss on the top of my head. I pressed my head to his chest once more, enjoying listening to his hearbeat.

Everything was perfect and I never wanted this moment to end.
I closed my eyes blocking everything out except for the sound of the waves and his heartbeat.


Almost there, almost there!!

Only two chapters left!

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