Chapter 13

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I sat there for about ten minutes trying to wrap my head around what was happening. A date? With Zayn? I mean yes we're already dating but it's the first step to an official relationship with him... For me at least. I was getting excited with every second that passed by. This just was new to me.

I finally got up and walked towards the closet to see what I should wear. I searched for something nice and suitable until my eyes fell on that sexy navy summer dress. I knew it was it the moment it caught my eyes so I took it off the hanger and laid it on the bed, examining it excitedly. I decided to apply simple make up with red lipstick and then put the dress on. I wondered how everything I could ever think of was there on the jet, I should just ask Zayn. I looked for something to wear for my feet and found a pair of off-white flat sandels and i put it on and it was just my size just like how everything else was. I made my way to the full length mirror to take one last look at myself. A beautiful girl stared back at me and I gasped. I never knew I would look this good in a dress. Yes, I do not wear dresses that often. I made a note to myself to wear nothing but dresses when we get back for how good I realised I lool in them. I swiped my tongue against my lips playfully, feeling a new found confidence in me, then checked the time to see that it took me thirty minutes to get ready and Zayn wasn't ready yet so I decided to sit on the bed and take steady breaths to calm down. After about five minutes later a knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts and the sound of the door being unlocked. I got up and opened the door only to find Zayn looking all hot in a white t-shirt and dark blue shorts, his hair was made into a quiff, adding to the hotness. I held in a breath when his eyes wandered down my body and then up to my eyes again.

"Wow, you look... beautiful " He smiled warmly down at me.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself " I smiled and he smiled back at me, taking my hand in his.

"Ready? " He asked and I nodded. He walked us out but suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? " I asked worridly. He didn't answer, he just walked around me until he was standing behind me and put his hands on my eyes.

"Don't open your eyes unless I tell you to " He whispered in my ear and I nodded. He pushed me forward to the door of the jet, I suppose.

"Keep your eyes shut love "

He walked ahead of me and I could hear him jump down on the sand and I waited for him to help me down. I jumped slightly when I felt his hands on my waist and he carried me down the steps. I tried to peek an eye but he was quick to slap my ass, making me screw my eyes shut quickly, letting out a laugh.

"Don't cheat! " he said and I giggled. He took my hand again and we walked a little on the sand until he stopped and wrapped his hands around my waist from behind.

"You can open your eyes now, love" He spoke, resting his chin on my shoulder from behind.

I opened my eyes slowly and let out a gasp. In front of me, laid a lot of candels in a huge shape of a heart, in the middle was a blanket with a basket of food and drinks on top of it. The trees around us were lit with beautiful lights. Everything was perfect. I squeald and turned around crashing my lips on his, kissing him with all my heart. This was amazing and just... beautiful.

"Happy birthday, Vi " He smiled warmly at me and my eyes widened in shock. Today was my birthday. I totally forgot my own birthday and yet he didn't. My eyes teared up and I grabbed his face again and crashed my lips onto his for the second time, only harder this time. I wanted him to feel all the words I couldn't say out loud. I wanted to thank him for all he's done for me. I wanted to appreciate the moment. But most importantly I wanted him to know how grateful I am to be here with him tonight.

I pulled away and glanced at the work of art ahead of me in awe.

"You like it? " He asked me after we pulled away from the kiss. We both were breathing heavily.

"I love it! " I pulled him in again for another kiss and he chuckled. I could not get enough.

"Glad you do, love. Now let's see what we have here " He left a kiss on my lips and took my hand, pulling towards the blanket on the sand and I was very carefull not to let the dress touch the flames as we stepped over them to get to the middle. Zayn sat down and pulled me down to sit on his lap, making me giggle.

"You know the sand would have been more comfortable " I teased him and he laughed.

"Oh, shut up. Or else you will be sitting on something else... much harder " He smirked and my eyes widened at what he's said. How could he say something like that so casually?! I smacked his arm making him laugh. Oh that sound.

At the moment I knew I was falling deep for that guy and I couldn't stop myself, neither did I want to.

"Wine? " He asked.

"Yes, please " I shifted so I was in a more comfortable position. He handed me my glass and I thanked him with a smile and a peck on his lips.

"How is it possible that everything I could possibly think of is there on that jet? " My question from earlier crossed my mind.

"Oh, love, I come prepared " He wiggled his eyebrows at me and i rolled my eyes giggling.

"We were already planning to spend the vacation together so, of course, we have packed everything we needed " he explained with a smile.

"So this explains how everything is exactly my size "

"Exactly, you packed them yourself "

"I wish I could remember " I sighed.

"Hey, you will soon. Don't worry " He smiled rubbing my arms gently.

"I hope so. Thank you, Zayn... for everything " I turned around slowly so I could look him in his beautiful hazel eyes then slowly leaned in until our lips were brushing together. He inhaled, looking down at me, there was this spark in his eyes. Before I knew it, he connected our lips together, causing fireworks to erupt in my stomache, a feeling I will never get enough of.


Almost there!! ;)

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