Chapter 15

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After what felt like forever a question crossed my mind. I opened my mouth to ask him but didn't have the guts to, so I looked away and I'm sure he could feel the heat coming out of my cheeks.

"Hey " He turned my head back around and smirked when he saw how I was blushing.

"What is it in that little head of yours that's making you as red as a tomato? " He smirked knowning that it must have been something dirty.

"Ah, nothing I just wanted to ask something... real awkward " I chuckled awkwardly.

"And what might that be? " He asked softly.

"Did we... I mean am I.. " I searched his face for any sign that shows that he understood what I meant. He looked down at me and smirked that smirk that gives me chills all tahe way down to my spine.

"I'm afraid I can't exactly get what you mean, Miss Lawson " He smirked and I cursed under my breath knowing he wanted to play his little game.

"Zayn! you know exactly what I mean! " I tried to reason with him hoping he'd let it go but knowing him he wouldn't.

"Oh, i'm sorry, my brain isn't on its full function to know what you wanted to say but unfortunately didn't have to guts to" His smirk grew bigger and his index finger startrd drawing patterns on my leg.

"Alright " I huffed, frustrated. "Haveweeverhadsex? "

"What? I can't understand you" He pushed further and I took a deep breath.

"Have we ever had sex? " My cheeks flushed and I looked away, gaining a deep laugh from him.

"Hey hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed of " he said turing my head to look at him. " And no we haven't had sex... yet " he answered and I blew out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

"So that means I am still a... uh virgin? " I asked, holding my breath.

"Yes, you still are a virgin " He smiled. I've never been more relieved in my life.

"So we've been dating for about three months and we've never done anything like that? I mean from what you've said it seems like we even lived together " I chuckled and he gave me a funny look.

"Who said we've never done anything like that? " he looked like he was holding back a laugh and i raised an eyebrow at him.

"Vi, darling, just because we haven't had sex yet doesn't mean we've never had fun " He smirked and my eyes widened.

"Oh, my God " I covered my face with my hands and he laughed at me, taking my hands in his latgr ones to expose my already tomato-red face.

"He, love, it's okay " He said softly and brought my hands up to his lips, kissing the back of my hands and I blushed even more, if possible. I opened my eyes peaking up at him and let out a breath.

"You're so cute that it's so hard for me to keep my sanity around you " He smiled at me, leaning in a bit.
"Zayn! Stop saying things like these " I blushed and he laughed at me.

"I can't help it when you're cute and hot all at the same time " He put his index finger under my chin bringing my face softly closer to his.

"And I can't control myself either when your lips are just so irresistable " His eyes glanced down at my lips, then my eyes, then my lips again before he leaned in and captured my lips between his soft-plump ones.

I gasped slightly at how amazing his lips felt... how amazing this kiss was. Out of all the kisses we've shared, this one was just different. It held so much love, sweetness, passion that it was driving me crazy. I put my hands on his cheaks and brought his face closer to me, deepening the kiss.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip asking for an enterance and I let him. I opened my mouth a bit and as soon as his tongue touched mine, he let out a groan. Our tongues danced together for a while while his hands were sneaking their ways down to my waist, leaving a tail of sparks behind them.

His touch was mind-blowing that it was so hard to control my emotions. His lips wondered down to my neck leaving wet kisses all over my neck and collerbone. I let out a moan as he found my sweet spot on my collerbone, sucking on it. Passion turned into lust and I found myself laying back until my back touched the cool sand. Zayn was quick to climb on top of me his lips finding my lips again, kissing me deeply, giving me exactly what I wanted.

Zayn knew how to kiss me, touch me, how to make me feel so good just by a simple kiss or touch, in a way that no one else ever had. He showed me how a woman should be treated, he showed me how I should be feeling all the time.

Ever since I woke up and found myself here, the smile has never left my lips and when it did, that was because of the fireworks in my stomach. Everything with Zayn was perfect. Zayn was perfect. And I was the luckiest girl in this whole world to have someone like him in my life, and I knew that at that point I was ready to do anything and everything with him. For him.  I wanted everything with him... I wanted all of him.

I spread my knees making Zayn lay between them while my hands were running through his soft hair earning a groan from him, making me smile. He let out a loud groan when his crotch touched mine slightly and the lust between us was never so thick.

Zayn looked at me for a while searching my face for any sign of approval or rejection because we both knew that it all was going on a whole other level if we didn't stop there. And to be honest, I was more excited to do this with him than I have ever been. What I was feeling was indescribable, sexually and emotionally... And I was not stopping there.

"Yes, Zayn, i feel it too. I want this" I assured him and he looked at me doubtfully so I cupped his face in my hands and brought his face closer to mine that our lips were almost touching.

"Zayn, I've never been so sure of something as I am sure of this now. I know you've waited so long for this and now it's time. I want you to be my first " I said looking him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with lust.

"I want you " I whispered and he didn't even hesitate before he crashed his lips onto mine kissing me with all he had. I moaned aloud and his grip on my waist tightened.

"You're all I ever wannted, Vi " He whispered in my ear as his lips were sucking on my earlobe, making me moan. His hands made their way to the end of my dress at my thighs, lifting it up until my black lace panties were on full display for him to see, and I never felt so hot and bothered as if my body was on fire.

Before his hands made their way to my panties I held his face in my hands making him look me in the eyes. I took a deep breath preparing myself for what was coming next.

"Zayn, I love you. "


Whao whao, things are getting a little too serious!

Only one more chapter left!!

What do you think will happen??...

Now please don't forget to VOTE and leave a comment with what you think is going to happen. I would love to know what you think ;)

Love you all xx

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