Chapter 3

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A smell of bacon and eggs woke me up and I could feel my mouth watering already and that's when I realized how hungry I actually was. I opened my eyes to see Zayn's beautiful face in front of mine, holding some piece of egg close to my lips, It nearly tickled my nose.

"You weirdo " I chuckled and sat up.

"I knew you'd wake up that way " He smirked.

"Yeah I'm hungry, you asshole " I pushed him playfullyand he, surpriseingly, fell to the floor. I burst out laughing loudly at him. He got up and glared at me plaufully and I shut my mouth childishly.

"Yeah a little weak. Haven't had my breakfast yet " He defended himself childishly.

"Yeah, I see " I smirked.

"Gonna regret it, Miss Lawson " He smirked.

"Make me, Mr Malik " I smirked. He helped his weight with his arms and leaned closer to me. My heart beats fastened immediately. He smirked when he noticed what affect he had on me.

"After breakfast, babe " He whispered in my ear and that was enough to send shivers directly to my spine. He backed away still smirking at me. I was still frozen in my place. It was the first time I saw a man so close to me like that. Yeah, go ahead and call me weirdo, but I'm just not one to communicate, with people, let alone boys. I finally recovered and looked at him, my lips slightly parted.

"It's okay, babe " He flashed me a breath-taking smile. "After you " He pointed to the breakfast and smiled. I gulpd and shoved some eggs in my mouth, slowly

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned " Zayn stated, smartly.

"And how would I know? " I smirked up at him.

This caused a laugh to erupt out of him and I grinned at him. I tasted the food and, boy, did it taste so good. My eyes widened slightly and I shoved a forkful of the eggs and bacon again.

"I see you like it " Zayn said.

"Yeah it's really... yummy " Was all I could say since I was too busy eating the delecious breakfast.

Zayn chuckled and began to eat as well. We both ate in silence until we filled our hungry stomaches with food. It's like as if we hadn't eaten anything in forever.

I don't know why I'm acting myself. But maybe because I know that I have to make it easier for the both of us since we have to be stuck in here together.

Even if Zayn is not my boyfriend... He seems like a real good-funny guy and a good company. And as much as it's too early to admit it... but I think I'm getting comfortable around him. Around the stranger. But what if he hurts me? What will I do?

"Don't worry love. I would never hurt you " Zayn said with a soft, reassuring voice. I looked up at him, my eyes nearly popping out of their stocks, only to see him smirking at me. Shit.

"I said that out loud? " I asked shyly. I could feel heat coming out of my cheeks already.

"Yeah, but it's okay " He smiled.

"I don't even know you " I muttered looking away.

"I know... but you'll remember everything soon babe " He reassured me again. "But I really want you to be comfortable and even give your heart to me... again. You don't know how much it hurts me to know that my girlfriend doesn't remember me. It's so hard to me too " He told me grabbing my small cold hands in his large warm ones. Shivers ran down my spine immediately and I tried to pull my hand away, but that only caused to tighten his grip around them, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand, reassuringly.

I thought about it for a while.

Yeah of course it hurts him more than it does me. Yes I can't remember him but at least I don't have any problem with that, hell, I can even move on and find someone else to start it all over with him. But to Zayn it's harder.

He once had a girlfriend that he apearantely cared about, only for her to wake up screaming at his face to stay away from her. She's treating him as if he's some stranger. He can't even touch her... hold her... kiss her. I completely understand that it's even harder to him but I can't help it. But all I can say is that I'll... try.

"Do you think you will ever find it in your heart to love me? Again? " He asked, his hazel eyes staring down at me.

"I-I'll try " I said looking up at him through my eyelashes. He smiled at me and I could have sworn I saw a little smirk forming on his lips.

This guy was not one to give away what he's thinking, but i just shrugged, not really caring. I just looked into his soft hazel eyes, letting myself get lost in them.

"Can I try something? " He asked softly, voice low, looking deep in my blue eyes. I slowly nodded and my nervousness kicks in immediately.

I saw him leaning in towards me and my heartbeats fastened more than ever. My eyes slided down to his soft pink lips and there was something in my head telling me to lean in as well, but I refused.

His lips looked so soft and kissable and I knew I wouldn't regret kissing him. His face was now just inches away from mine. So I closed my eyes and that's when I felt his soft lips on mine.

Yaayy! Finally kissed!

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love you all xx

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