Chapter 10

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"Zayn.. " no reply. "Zayn " still no reply. I sat up and put my face in front of his. "Zayn!! "

"What?! " He finally snapped out of his thoughts. I lay back down on the sand beside him and looked up at the sky. Damn, I really needed a nice tan.

"What were you so busy thinking about that you didn't even hear me?? "

"Oh nothing, just enjoying the weather " He shrugged.

"The weather, yeah? " I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I mean the sun is not that hot so yeah the wheather is good "

"Okay, have fun " I put my sunglasses on and grabbed my book and started reading, pretending as if he weren't there at all.

"Vi " I didn't reply. "Oh come on, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you "


"Alright then". I heard a shuffling sound but I didn't even bother looking to see what he was doing. Suddenly I felt arms sneak under my knees and in a snap I was in the air, his arms holding me up.

"Zayn! Put me down, right now " I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he only tightened his arms around me.

"Sorry babe, you see the sand was getting a little too hot for that sexy ass of yours... " he smirked down at me.

"You ass, put me down " I could see that he was walking us towards the water and I started kicking his back harder. "Zayn, no! Put me down, now! " I screamed but he didn't stop walking. In fact, his feet were touching the water now.

"You should be thanking me for cooling your ass off "

I didn't even have time to screem or hold in a breath as i was flying in the air and in a snap I was under the water. The water surrounded me immediately so I kicked and kicked till my head was out the water.

"You fucking asshole!! " I screamed trying to catch my breath and he burst into laughter.

"You should have seen your face " He laughed harder. This asshole is gonna pay. I pretended that I was drowning and he suddenly stopped laughing, looking at me in concern, as if he was trying to figure out if I was acting or really drowning.

"Zayn, help I can't take my breath! "

And in a blink he was standing right in front of me holding me above the surface. I steadied myself and leaned my head on his chest and pretended that I was catching my breath.

"Hey hey it's okay, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you " He rubbed my back. He must have bought it. I moved my knee back and kicked him in the balls, hard. He screamed and threw me in the water. I swam away from him, leaving a reasonable space between us, in case he wanted to take his revenge. I couldn't help but burst out laughing when i saw him slightly bending down and his hands cupping his croch, his face screwed in pain. That's what assholes deserve.

"Thought it would only be fair if you paied back " I smirked at him and took off running towards the shore before he recovered.

"You're gonna regret this!! " I could hear him shout and I only laughed harder, running faster until I was on the shore. I picked up my towel and dried myself up. I turned around when I heard his footsteps from behind me. He had a smile on his face, but looks could fool. He could be planning something

"Okay so we're even " I smiled innocently and took a step back.

"Oh yes, we are " He smiled at me, but I didn't buy it. When he started running towards me I screamed and took off running as well, as fast as I could. I decided that I shouldn't go inside the jet, he would easily catch me, so I ran towards the jungle, I could hide in the there. I kept running and running until I felt arms catch me from behind and I screamed and stopped.

"Gotcha " He whispered in my ear brushing his nose against my neck

"You win " I gave up and leaned my head back when he started kissing down my neck.

"Oh, I always do " He smirked taking my earlobe between his teeth, sucking gentely and i moaned slightly.

"Zayn.. " He pushed me against a tree, my butt hit the tree and I winced slightly.

"What, babe? " He left a trail of kisses on my collerbone making me arch my back. My hands found their way into his hair but his hand took them and pinned them above my head.

"S-stop " I didn't want him to stop. I mean, damn, if that was his kind of punishment then I want to be punished everyday. Shit, where the hell did that come from??

"But do you really want me to? " he found my sweet spot and started sucking, earning a moan out of me.

" Yes baby, let it out, it's not like anyone would hear you" He chuckled and we both froze when we heard sounds in the trees.

"Looks like we have company " I chuckled nd he shushed me.

"Run on three " He whispered and I nodded. He counted on his fingers mouthing 1... 2... 3 and we took off running towards the jet, thank God we weren't so deep inside that jungle so it was eaiser for us to get to the jet. We ran inside and he closed the door behind us so that animal wouldn't get in.

"Oh my God, that was so close " I panted and slid down to the floor and he followed. We sat there in scilence, both of us catching our breaths and I found myself laughing. He gave me a funny look.

"What's so funny? " He chuckled

"I don't know! " I laughed harder and he joined me. I don't know why I was laughing but it felt good. Our laughter filled the room and I lay down on my back pulling him down with me.
We sat there in scilence for a while until my body was aching from the hard floor so i sat up.

"Where are you going?? " Zayn asked from behind me.

"What? Just wanna take a hot shower " I chuckled.

"I'd love to help " He smirked.

"And I'd love to rip your head off if you as much as dared " I glared at him slightly with a small smirk on my lips.

"Sorry, ma'am " Zayn threw his hands up in deffense playfully. I chuckled and stood up.

"Good boy " I ruffled his soft black hair with my hand and made my way towards the bathroom.

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