Chapter 16

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Kate: Good morning, pearl.

Kate woke her niece up with a smile in her face, seated on her bed.

Amy: Morning.

Kate: How did you sleep?

Amy: Not that bad, taking into account what happened yesterday.

Kate: We'll talk about that later. There are two little citizens who are dying to see you. Come on in, kids!

Amy: George, Lottie!

Amy put a big grin on her face, as soon as she saw her little cousins entering the bedroom.

George: We missed you, Amy.

Little George said as his big cousin was hugging him and his sister.

Amy: I missed you, too. Look at you, Lottie, you're so grown up!

Charlotte: Mummy said I'm big for a 2-year-old girl.

Amy: And so talkative! I've never met a smarter girl, Lottie. Why don't we have some breakfast?

George: That would be great. I'm starving.

Kate: Georgie, take your sister to the breakfast room. Amy and I are going in a minute.

George: Okay. Let's go, Lottie.

Kate: So, how are you feeling, pearl? We couldn't talk to each other that much yesterday.

Amy: I really don't wanna talk about mum now, Aunty.

Kate: I get it. Let's go, then.


William: Good morning, mon trésor.

Amy: Morning, Uncle. I thought I wouldn't find you here today.

She whispered while sitting and using her mobile phone at the same time.

William: Why would you think so?

Amy: Because of, you know, Ma...

She gestured, trying not to use words her cousins would understand, as she presumed they didn't know about their aunt's death yet.

Amy: By the way, why can't I find anything about her on Google?

Kate: Pearl, what are you talking about? No one knows she's sick yet.

Amy: Wait, sick?! So she didn't die?!

William: No, Amy! Of course, not... Not yet.

He whispered the last two words, as he didn't want the kids to hear it.

Amy: All this time I was dreaming? Thank, God! This is the best news I've ever heard! Can I see her? Can you take me to the hospital?

Kate: I don't know if they will allow your visit... But, explain that to us first.


William: Oh, I'm so sorry for that nightmare, mon trésor.

Amy: I was so scared. When you said she was alive, I had hope for a minute. But I still know the doctors think she won't last till the end of the week. That's why I need to see her now.

Kate: Your father doesn't want you there, but I promise we'll be taking you to see her soon, okay?

Amy: Thanks. Where's Meghan?

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