Land Of Twilight

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Lana stepped through her portal and found a jarring sight. Wherever she looked, the kingdom was consumed by shadow. Though she knew of the Twilight Realm, she had never seen it firsthand. Lana's sorcery could not reveal who or what was causing the Twilight to cover Hyrule so completely. She soon came upon  small village beset by monsters. Her mission to close the gate of souls would have to wait...


"So this  is what Hyule looked like when Twilight invaded it... Fascinating." Lana mused as her team of soldiers and their Captain - Alistair - walked into the monster infested village. The monsters, consisting of bulblins, Aeralfos and their ring leaders directing them to slaughter. There were several mobs in the distance, the Village seeming to be split up into several different parts of the fields.

"Alright, Alistair. It looks like we have some time to plan our counter attack. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there are many survivors. I don't sense much life left in the village." She trails off knowing full well they were too late to save the village, watching as some houses were still slightly burning up, falling as the cinders consumed the wood and fell apart in a state of disarray. The village looked almost completely abandoned at this point. The attack must have happened more than a few hours ago.

"We should split up and try to find as many survivors as we can. Take care of any monsters you see..." She looks up at the walls of Twilight at covered the land. "With the land covered as it is, I cant really pinpoint the gate of souls anyway." She puts a hand on her chin, trying to think about how to fix this land. The least she could do was bury the dead. "We must be more careful than ever. We can hardly see the enemy through these blasted shadows..." Alistair cuts in as he removes his helmet, carrying it at his side as he watches some of the monsters in the distance become covered in the darkened fog that dripped into the sky.

"Alright we better get moving. Split your men and have them follow me." Lana says and Alistair gives a firm nod, covering himself once more with the cold metal headdress. "Alright soldiers, we're splitting up into two equal groups. We will be grabbing as many villagers as we can, dead or alive, and getting rid of this monster infestation. We'll live to see our beautiful Hyrule cured once more." He announced in a strong voice. The men started to move into the two groups and began to follow the two leaders with newfound determination.

Lana started to use her magic to find any traces of life in the decaying houses and sending soldiers into the burnt remains to grab the bodies of the fallen Hylian villagers. She felt terrible watching the remnants of war destroying life like this, but this is why she was fighting... To at least try to stop these relentless slaughters.

The village spread wide on Lana's side of the field heading into the the side of the mountain as tall walls of wood and twilight began to surround them. But just as Lana was about to send in some more soldiers to grab some more poor Hylians, they all suddenly heard a loud, shrill scream.

"Eeeek! Im in trouble!" A female scream, Lana's eyes darted towards the sound. And it sounded nearby. "No time to waste! Let's go check it out! Move, Move!" Lana waves her arm in the air as she begins to sprint, hearing her men right behind her. Her book hovered around her as she ran deeper into the village remains, seeing more monsters pile up around her. "Be on alert! This darkness is crawling with monsters!" One of the higher ranking soldiers spoke out suddenly, watching the monsters appear slowly in the distance.

"Aiieee! Can anyone hear me? My name is Agitha! Please, someone help!" Came the scream again. It sounded like a little girl. Lana forced herself to run faster, barely feeling her feet touch the ground. She quickly passed a keep, opening her book to send thousands of her pages to cut through the monsters in front of her. She crossed her arms in front of her eyes to shield herself from the purple cloud of dead monsters, passing through so quickly that her soldiers were left agape at her speed and power. I wont allow anyone else to die here...!

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