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You stare with wide eyes as the fog clears inside the glass orb, bright, warm colors appearing and flashing from within. "Watch closely." Cia murmurs, transfixed upon the images appearing, her hands hovering above the glass, keeping the colors still enough to observe. At first there was only light, but then the real show began.

You stared with increasing interest as you saw a couple, holding hands and looking incredibly happy. The woman was clutching her stomach lovingly as she walked along a road with a man. The woman looked a lot like you, her hair in a messy bun. The couple wore clothes of poverty. "I won't tell you their names, but I will say that these individuals are your parents." Cia said, looking down at the orb through the mask. "Why can't I remember them...?" Your many voices echoed. You were sort of getting used to it.

"Allow me to explain. Your parents were of different poverty lines. Status and image were very important back then. And although your mother was fairly stable in terms of money, your father was very poor. And when people found out that she became fertilized by this man, they shunned her from their society and she lost her profession. Pitiful, although ... She seemed happy." The image fades into mist as another scene unfolds. The woman was laying down in what seemed to be a bed. She was incredibly pale and was sweating profusely. The man next to her looked desperate, looking at her stomach in worry, gripping onto her hand tightly. "Over time of the pregnancy, your mother became ill. She wasn't that strong to begin with, which only worsened her condition."

"She was dying..." You mumble, your voices croaking along with you. "Yes. The medics refused to do anything because your parents couldn't afford treatment. They believed both the mother and child would perish." Cia says, moving her hands over the orb to change the picture once more. This time, it was your father in a dark room. Books covered and filled shelves with strange pictures and writing along with glass vials coated his desk and floor. He looked as though he hadn't slept for days as he handled a tube filled with dark purple matter. Black smoke spewed from the opening at the top of the clear container. "Your father was desperate to keep her alive. You could say that love drove him mad and he created something that he shouldn't have."

The vail in your fathers hand bubbled with an intense reaction, the color being absorbed, turning into a midnight black. "He studied dark magic, learning everything he could and created an unstable power. In hopes to save his beloved, he made her drink this potion." The image changed again to show your father giving the potion to your mother who had a look of disgust on her face. "The ingredients in the potion were supposed to help your mothers bones and heart to become stronger. They were supposed to cure the sickness." She looked up at you for a moment before focusing back on the glass. You couldn't help but smile at little at what came next.

The picture changed to more warm colors. You mother regained the color on her skin and she looked more healthy than ever, smiling brightly and sitting in bed. Everything seemed just as perfect as it was before. "Everyone was surprised. They thought it was a miracle that she had overcome the impossible. She became perfectly healthy. Her pregnancy went well."

More mist, and when it cleared, your eyes widened. Your mother was completely pale once again, her skin practically grey. Your father was hunched over her unmoving body, his face filled with sadness and waterfalls of tears. Blood covered the white sheets from her waist down and her stomach was flattened.  "Although, when you were born, everything went wrong and her body shut down. She passed away filled with pain and suffering." Cia quickly turned the picture to another, sensing your growing emotions.

"But why ...? Wasn't she better?" Your voices were mixed with anger and sadness. "It would seem that way wouldn't it?" Cia smiled gently before she continued. "No. She was still as fragile as ever. She was doomed to this terrible fate long before your father gave her the potion. The dark potion only gave her the strength to make it to the end of her pregnancy." She changed the picture to a baby wrapped in a white blanket. It had its eyes closed and was silent.

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