When Worlds Collide

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Everyone began to panic, scrambling as the beast unleashed its fury. Impa dodged its claws, which it had slammed into the ground and sprinted around it. "How did the wizard transport a creature of that size to the battlefield so quickly?!" She created a barrier of water as the King blew its fire towards her.

Miles away, the wizard cackles in delight. "Yes, enjoy your time with the king ... I have an appointment elsewhere." He disappears, leaving the units around him staring at the spot confusedly.

"L-Lets do what we can to stop it!" The troops begin their attack, slashing at the creatures legs mercilessly but without any results. It's thick scales were too much for the sharpened swords to hack into and eventually the beast took notice of them and began to push back. You held on tightly for dear life as the beast swung his body around, attempting to both kill you and the soldiers.

You wrapped your legs around the horn as your mind began to process what the hell happened. Had you not battled with this thing and died? You distinctly remember the ball of pure flames burning your body until you couldn't feel anything. But you felt fine, the only thing bothering you was how exhausted you currently were, although that didn't stop you from holding on.

Eventually, the beast threw you off, sending you flying like a rag doll through the air as you screamed. The ground came up quicker than you could react, landing heavily, earning yourself several cuts and bruises surely.

You only had enough time to look up and see the blond boy heading towards you, glaring daggers into your eyes. You got up quickly, ignoring the painful throbbing now settling in various places of your body.

The boy raised his sword at you, and you would've fought back if he wasn't so damn handsome. You rapidly took out your Sai, blocking several of his heavy blows. "Stop! I'm not your enemy!" You called out, realizing just how cliché you sounded and mentally slapped yourself. The blond boy ignored you, repeatedly aiming for either your neck or waist. Behind him, you could briefly see a powerful woman hacking at the beast who was flipped to its side somehow, the soldiers all huddled around her.

Link raised his shield suddenly, and your eyes widened. You quickly ducked under and around him as he unleashed a powerful spin-attack. You could feel the wind shift as you barely dodged his blade, kicking him from behind, effectively causing him to stumble. Seeing your chance, you threw all the body weight you could muster into him, knocking the both of you to the ground. "Hey! Listen to me dammit!" You seethed, struggling as the boy squirmed under you. He was strong sure, but you currently had adrenaline to spare, overpowering him for a short moment. "Oh no! Get off him you fiend!" A squeaky voice suddenly says. You ignore it, holding the boys arms to the ground, sitting on his back.

Seeing as he had no choice, Link stopped fighting, he must've looked ridiculous anyhow. But before you could explain anything, a large group of monsters huddled around in a circle, taking careful steps towards the both of you. You cursed under your breath, looking back down at the boy. No words were spoken between the two of you but a feeling of sudden understanding overcame the urge to rip each others throats out.

You glare at each other before he gets up, going back to back. You raise your Sai, your arms quivering as the adrenaline in your body begins to dissipate. The yellow-eyed monsters surround the both of you, raising their weapons in the air as they attempt to hack at your legs. The both of you then get into motion, using each other's cover to kill with confidence.

It wasn't long before your stamina began to fade, your breathing harsh and your vision blurry. Your movements were slowing increasingly, and your attacks were sloppy. Link clicked his tongue in displeasure, making his way back to you as your knees hit the ground.

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