Hyrule Field

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"Where did all these monsters come from?!" Impa yells frustratedly, blocking several blows with her Giant's Knife, pushing back and slicing the Bokoblins. She continues to forge a path with her blade, leaving clouds of purple in her wake as the Bokoblins die of deep injuries. Impa looks towards the nearby keep, the entrance sealed with boulders that the enemy seems to have placed to separate Hyrulean forces.

"We can't get to princess Zelda with those boulders in the way!" She grits her teeth, anger and worry boiling in her veins as she cuts down more enemies. A loud yell piques her interest. Turning, she sees a young man, a metal training sword in hand as he expertly slices through enemy forces. "Who's this? A new recruit?" His outfit made her suspicions true, he was indeed a trainee. The boy kills several enemies in one spin attack and she's left with her mouth open in awe. "Who is this soldier anyway?"

Link moved swiftly, his blade cutting down many enemies. He was confident enough with his swordplay skills, thrusting his sword straight through an enemy as he dodges a strike. As he battles, defeating little over a hundred enemies, a small cry catches his attention. "Someone help! I'm too little to fight monsters!" The high-pitched voice squeals in fear.

With curiosity, Link looks around, spotting a bright, blue-white light above him. His eyes open wide as the light enters his chest with a flutter, warmth seeping into his clothing. "Thanks! I'm Proxy! And who are you?" Link hesitates to answer. "Link." He replies, taking his sword again, running towards the enemy. "Link, huh? Unusual name! What's it mean? Where are you from? Nice sword!" Link sliced down more Bokoblins, choosing to ignore the now annoying fairy imbedded in his chest.

"Man of few words huh? That's okay - I'll come along to do the talking!" The voice squeaks in delight. Link sighs.

Across Hyrule field, Zelda is stranded, cut off from reinforcement troops and the general Impa. She was worried, but not too much. Surely Impa and her would meet up again. She watches as some of her hyrulean forces get cut down, corpses and the injured falling to the ground with a pained cry of defeat. "Hold your ground everyone! We are the only ones who can protect Hyrule!" Zelda cries out, battling enemy units with her gleaming rapier.

Proxy seemed to hear the princess' rushed cry, giving her a boost of energy. "Princess, hold on! Link is on the way!" Also hearing Zelda, the dark wizard controlling these dark forces laughs at his seemingly successful attack. "Hia ha ha! Keep attacking!"

He opens the Abandoned Fort keep, and more enemy's pour out from inside, going for Hyrule soldiers. Link sees this and heads to the opened keep, slashing enemies before they can escape to harm the others. A large shadow looms above and he looks up. A large, flaming red dragon flaps its mighty wings, flipping in mid-air and transforming into a humanoid villain. Link lifts his shield, watching carefully as the man gets up from his crouching position with a huff of flame, spinning his weapon rapidly and slamming it down, roaring powerfully.

"I am Volga. If you are ready to join your ancestors, then I accept your challenge." He smirks confidently, already going for an attack. "Don't let the dragon knight through!" Impa yells from the keeps opening as she stabs through several bokoblins at once.

Link began his battle with the humanoid dragon, blocking several ground blows. It seemed the man was going for his legs with his dragon-bone pike, but after many failed attempts, Link manages to push back the villain, angering him terribly. Link was panting heavily his legs shaking slightly as the pain began to emerge. The man glared at Link, his mouth inhaling the heat in the air as he spoke with raging emotion.

"Get out of my way, boy." He raises his fist in the air, shifting it into the claw of a dragon and sprinting towards Link at full speed just as he raises his shield. The mans beast-like claw slams into the iron, flinging the young blond boy into the air with a yelp and straight to the hard, stone-covered ground where he rolls to a stop; unmoving.

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