Eldin Caves

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After an arduous battle, Link and his comrades slew king dodongo, but the beast was only ever intended as a distraction. The army of monsters had taken Hyrule Castle. Worse, after the dust had settled, Princess Zelda was nowhere to be found. Impa and Link searched the battlefield for any sign of her, but to no avail. Although the battle had been lost, Impa foresaw Link's importance to the coming war. She bestowed upon him a green tunic - the sign of the legendary hero. Link did not believe himself worthy of the honor but he was determined to help Impa and her remaining soldiers locate Zelda.

Weeks past.

Impa heard a rumor that a handful of soldiers were holding out against the monsters in Faron woods. The leader of this resistance was supposedly a young woman. Impa dared to hope that this unknown woman was Zelda. Link and Impa decided to make their way to the forest by way of the Eldin caves, a path with its own dangers.


"Link is ready to help, Impa! I'm sure we'll get everyone out in one piece!"
Proxy screeched. Impa winced at the squeaky voice, looking around the caves. Everyone was on edge since they entered the caves, shrieks of monsters could be heard echoing inside the dim light. Impa points to a fairly lit area across the other side of the caves. Sunlight. "The exit is over there, but we'll have to go all the way around the north to get to it..." She motioned the soldiers to keep moving. "Great, more walking." You whined, throwing your head back in utter despair, a yawn escaping your lips. "Where are the other guys anyway? Weren't there more of us?" You ask to no one in particular, noticing that your group was fairly smaller than it was before. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream was heard, making everyone stop dead in their tracks.

Proxy was the first to realize: "The Hyrulean soldiers went ahead without us! Impa, we have to catch up!" Impa was already on it, ordering soldiers to battle as monsters began to show their heads. "Stalchildren." You say smirking, adrenaline pumping through your veins. After weeks of nonstop training, it was finally time to see how much you've improved. "There's lava blocking the way ... And monsters have shown up! We're gonna get wiped out!" The same voice that screamed yelled out. "The soldiers are in danger! We must hurry!" Impa calls out to the troops. You begin to cut down the stalchildren, slicing the skulls right off their bony necks with your Sai. Sooner rather than later, the amount of monsters became innumerable, a massive hoard coming from deep within the caves. The troops around you began to struggle.

"These caves... No matter how many monsters we cut down, more keep coming out!" Most were holding out against the stalchildren, but their energy was diminishing, their strikes becoming sluggish. Besides yourself, Link and Impa seemed to be the only ones in better shape. "Impa! You should go on ahead! Link and I can handle these low rank monsters." You said while slashing at multiple little barbarians around you, their remains turning to ash. She nods once, heading towards where she had heard the voice. "There must be a keep around here spawning monsters ... We should capture it!" Proxy deafened the soldiers around Link.

Meanwhile, Impa had found the soldiers, but they were on another side of a gate, closed off from reinforcements. "General Impa! We need your help!" The soldiers began to press themselves on the gate desperately. Monsters were closing in on them. Big poes were attracted to the sounds of despair, heading towards the troops as well. "Don't panic. Link and ___ are looking for another way to you as we speak. We will all reunite shortly. In the meantime, please hold your ground!" Impa rushes back towards both you and Link, leaving the soldiers to fend for themselves for now; there really wasn't much she could do from there anyhow.


You and Link were demolishing the monsters several at a time. Although more were coming through somehow, they would all meet the end of your blades. You were seeing less and less of them. "Dammit. This is getting boring." You muttered, leaning against a wall.

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