The Valley of Seers

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The leader of the resistance in Faron Woods was a young sorceress named Lana. Lana had been fighting Cia's army since it arrived. Cia now sought to complete the Triforce and use it to conquer Hyrule. Link and Impa decided to join forces with Lana to prevent further tragedy. Although the monsters in Faron Woods had been defeated, Cia still controlled most of Hyrule. Every day more creatures appeared and swarmed the land. Link and Impa fought on against the darkness, sorely missing Zelda's leadership. Only one solution remained-stem the tide of monsters by closing the Gate of Souls. The heroes headed to the Valley of Seers to put an end to the bloodshed. 


Everyone rushes out of the base keep, adrenaline pumping through their veins as they eagerly enter the battlefield. As everyone runs beside you, Sheik starts to calculate in her head. "Impa and I will attack from the east. That leaves the west to you three!" Impa stares at her, almost angry that she had decided something as though she were in charge. Impa had not yet trusted her.

But as soon Impa scanned the battlefield around her, she spotted something coming their way. Impa smirked. "Thank you, Sheik, but I have my own attack plans." She sprints towards the figure in the distance, easily leaving everyone behind in shock. Impa wished to finish what had been started all those weeks ago in Hyrule Field. "I'm sure she can handle herself, lets split up as planned and capture the keeps." You say as you head East with Link leading, leaving Lana and Sheik to capture the West keep.

Impa stopped before her opponent, glaring at the man as he turned slowly. Volga smiles, his white teeth showing through his cocky expression. Monsters huddled around him, weapons in hand and ready to fight. Several soldiers come up behind Impa in seconds, drawing their shields. And the battle begins.

You and Link quickly cut around Impa's battle and head into the Eastern keep, destroying any monsters in your way. You slashed through bokoblins, slicing through their bodies like nothing, beheading them and hacking off body parts until they turned into purple smoke and ash. Link battled beside you, clearing all the monsters in the base until you claimed it as your own, the soldiers around you two cheering gleefully. "I hope we can take the western one without any trouble!" Proxy says suddenly. You had forgotten she existed.

Meanwhile, Impa's battle isn't going very smoothly, Volga's a bit too strong for her. The soldiers around her were already gravely injured and attacking the monsters sluggishly. "We're not going to last long against this strength!" One of the soldiers yelled out, blocking an attack from Volga, which only sent him flying backwards and rolling onto the earth. "Worthless ... These vermin will barely qualify as exercise!" Volga lets out a noise of displeasure, spinning his staff and whacking a nearby soldier with it.

"He's really hitting us with everything he's got. We have to bring him down!" Impa says, putting up a water shield as Volga attempts to attack her with his staff. "Pah. You're no fun. Don't you have a stronger warrior to duel?" He breaks through her barrier, mildly slashing her arm between the arm guards. Impa hisses in pain as the blood begins to flow out of her wound. Proxy notices her distress. "Impa's in trouble! We need to help!" She screeches, making Link jump at her sudden voice.

You notice more enemies headed towards the keep, ready to take it back. Most of the monsters were bokoblins, but you also saw some stronger looking enemies covered head to toe in black armor. "Link, you should go help Impa, I'll protect the base." You start to move towards the approaching monsters but Link suddenly grabs your shoulder. You thought for sure he was going to say something cheesy like "I was ordered not to leave your side", but all you got in response was, "Good Luck."

Those two words threw you off guard and left you speechless. You managed to splutter out a "You too" before he nodded, sprinting back the way you had both come from, leaving you staring after him until his figure dashed out of sight. You run towards the small horde, several soldiers following after your lead while most stayed behind, carefully guarding the keep in case monsters pushed passed you or came up from behind.

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