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" ... Wake up."

You gasped heavily, taking a huge intake of air. Water dripped from your hair, chin, and nose, your clothing was soaked. There was a faint throbbing in your head and you felt like you dreamt of something important but quickly dismissed it. Your heart attempted to slow as you calmed down slightly, looking at your surroundings, realizing that you were underground somewhere. Everything was coated in stone and the air was biting cold, freezing now actually since you were soaked, your clothes sticking onto your body. "Told you she'd wake up." A masculine voice echoed in the stone room you were in. "Anyone would wake up, you idiot." Another voice replied, in a slightly annoyed tone. It sounded as though they were walking in the opposite direction. You looked around the inky darkness, the torches barely cutting through the black.

"What in the name of Naryu ..." You mumbled, shivering, as you noticed your hands had chains wrapped around your wrists. All your armor and weapons were striped from you, left only in the rags you wore underneath. Im a prisoner...? You could still see distinct cuts and marks on your body from previous battles, but most of the fresh ones were covered in bandages. Now wet.

The voices became louder as the men approached you, their armor making small clinking noises with every step. Anger suddenly boiled in your veins. Was imprisoning you necessary?

"Hey! What's going on here?" You snap, referring to the chains and your soaked self. "Quiet down wench." One of the two men spit at you, grabbing your restrains and pulling you up onto your feet rather roughly, which wobbled slightly. Goddesses, how long was I out? You think to yourself, mildly worried about your current health. They remove the chains, only to be replaced with more of them, only this time, your hands were behind your back. They had also attached them to your ankles, a medium sized chain connecting the two iron parts together to keep you from running, not that you could've in your current position anyway.

"Hurry it up, everyone is waiting!" They shoved you forward roughly, making you stumble. "You don't have to be so damn rude about it." You muttered in confusion. Who was waiting?

The soldiers led you up several flights of stairs, across a dim lit hallway and through a giant pair of double doors, decorated with the beautiful golden triforce and a scale. The sudden light blinded you for a moment until your eyes adjusted. You stood, mouth agape at the room before you. Rows of angry/sad looking Hyruleans sat in linear queues, their eyes practically glued to you as you were once again shoved forward. A horizontal column of beautifully painted glass windows spread the afternoon sunlight in gold. The floor was marble and you almost felt bad for leaving a thin trail of water behind you. Two large tables sat on both sides of where the guards made you stop, taking off the restraints off of you and forced you not to move, staring at a stand that was almost twice your height.

A courtroom... The thought quickly spread as you realized where exactly you were. The elderly judge sat in his place above you, looking down with a scowl permanently etched onto his face. You gulped. The judge raised his hand silently, adjusting his glasses with the other, and the guards ushered you to the seat beside him, just lower in height while a wooden wall separated the two of you. You could feel everyones eyes burning a hole in your head as you looked down, refusing to meet their intense gazes, taking an oath to tell only the truth.

"Stranger, rider of the beast. You are accused of the destruction of Hyrulean landmarks, homes, the deaths of hundreds of soldiers and civilians, and the kidnapping of our beloved Princess Zelda. How do you plead?" The judge said in a deadpan voice. Your head snapped up, momentarily glancing at the crowd. You can't be serious... "Not Guilty!" You say in a serious tone, and several murmurs were heard. "Silence in the courtroom." The judge slightly raises his raspy voice, beginning to read off the papers in his hands once more.

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