The Partial Truth

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Lana finished her short story, her eyes a little weary as she glances up to look at everyone. You noticed again that she refused to look at you, quickly averting her gaze before they met with your intense stare. To be honest, it pissed you off very much, especially since her gaze always lingered a bit longer than usual on a certain hero that was rethinking his life choices with a dull, frightened expression on his face. Of course he would be a bit overwhelmed, anyone would if someone was after their soul.

Impa, Sheik and the soldiers surrounding Lana seemed lost at first, letting the details sink in. Faint murmuring was heard as the soldiers worried and eased themselves into the truth. Impa was the first to speak up, her arms crossed on her chest. "Alright, everyone. Let's rest here tonight, we move out for the Valley of Seers in the morning, so be well prepared." She walks off, several soldiers following behind her.

It was in that moment where Lana decided to make her move. She began to talk to Link, making sure to wiggle slightly and giggle at what little he said, twirling her fingers in her long blue hair and latch onto his arm as they walked towards the camp, completely ignoring your existence. You weren't really sure why you were so angry, but the desperate urge to punch something wouldn't go away. In your rage, you decided to go and train in the forest.


The next morning wasn't much different, which only worsened your already sour mood. As everyone marched to the Valley of Seers, you had a front row seat to the rather unpleasant show unraveling before you. Lana continued her assault, being overly friendly with Link, which left you seeing red. What was worse is that Link really didn't seem to mind, as though this happened all the time, like they've known each other since the beginning.

You slowed your pace, deciding to walk with the soldiers instead. "Oh hey, ___. What's with the angry face?" A soldier asked you with a smirk as though your anger were entertaining to him. You only glance at him before looking at the road ahead. "I'm not angry." You mumble, barely audible. "Then could it be that you're jealous?" You looked at him like he had said something dirty, something offensive. "Don't be stupid. Jealous of what?" Your hands ball into fists at your sides. "Well, that chick, Lana. Don't you think she's getting a little too close to Link?" He smirks. Oh for the love of Naryu ... It's like you couldn't catch a break anywhere. How would he even know ...? Or is it that obvious?

You walk faster, leaving them behind as they snicker, deciding to walk by Sheik, who was also looking at the two acting overly friendly. "Isn't it a little strange ...?" Sheik mused, acknowledging you. "What?" You reply, watching as she observed the two with her blood red eye. "No ... Nothing. I was just thinking." She stares ahead again.

But it was strange. Lana had only just got here, and she seemed to be avoiding not just you, but everyone else as well; Link was an exception. She spoke very little to Impa and Sheik and fawned over the hero, completely ignoring the fact that you were living.

This continued for several days as you all traveled to the Valley where the sorceress was said to live, the one that started this war. It all seemed suspicious, and it wasn't just you who felt this way. It seemed that Sheik was keeping a closer eye on Lana, observing  her from afar, keeping her distance, yet watching her every move. You couldn't take much more of this, you were about to explode. Something had to be done about this, and you knew exactly how.



I have something I need to talk to you about. It's fairly urgent and I'd appreciate it if we could meet up tonight and discuss it before we get to the Valley. If you can, meet me at the river by the waterfalls. I'll be waiting.

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