The Land of Myth, Death Mountain

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Cia had already claimed the Triforce of Power. From Link, she stole the Triforce of Courage. The Triforce of Wisdom was the birthright of the Royal family of Hyrule ... Yet Sheik bore it when Cia attacked. Once Cia possessed all the pieces of the Triforce ... She used it's incredible power to bend time and space and open doorways through the ages. Portals to three eras appeared ... Lana explained to the others that a Gate of Souls had been opened in each of these eras, and it was through these gates that the monsters came. By opening these gates, Cia had released the fragment of evils' spirit imprisoned in each of the other eras. The task before the heroes was therefore to travel through each portal and close it's gate. Once all the gates were closed, they could begin repairing the damage Cia had inflicted on their land. With time going short, Link and his allies split up to handle all three gates simultaneously. They each vowed to close their gate and return safely.


Leading a small force of Hyrulean soldiers, Impa stepped into one of the newly opened portals. The kingdom spread out before her seemed like the Hyrule she knew, yet it was somehow very different. Before long, she realized that they had traveled back to the era of the mythical Hero of Time. Awed, Impa began her search for the Gate of Souls. She sensed an evil presence on Death Mountain and set out for the ominous peak. And with her came the mysterious Sheik...


Impa led her soldiers towards Death mountain, her red eyes set at the peak of the active volcano. Sheik hadn't said a word since their departure and was walking behind Impa. Curious, Impa turned towards her, a burning question ravaging her thoughts. "You could've accompanied either Link or Lana. Why did you choose to follow me?"

Sheik remained silent, walking past her as Impa narrowed her eyes in confusion and interest, following after her. "I can't figure you out ... How much do you really know of the Sheikah Tribe?" More silence. "Tell me. Who is your tribe's leader?" Sheik continued to walk at her brisk pace but eventually answered. "Impa, which would be you." Impa's brows crease in more confusion. "Correct. And yet there is no one named Sheik in my tribe ..." The soldiers stop before a closed gate, awaiting their orders and Sheik turns to face Impa. She walks right up to her, staring her down with an intense gaze.

"So then what does that make you? What are you really after?" Impa scanned her for any trace of what Sheik's answer might be. But before anything could be said, a fairy flies before the two of them, screeching. "Hey! Listen! Princess Ruto is in trouble!" Sheik holds out her hands and the fairy flies into them eagerly. "Ruto, Princess of the Zoras?" The fairy seemed anxious. "She was abducted by the gorons! Their leader Darunia used to be such a gentle soul. Someone named Zelda showed up and ... He hasn't been the same since!"

Impa's eyes widened at the bit of information. Sheik seemed surprised as well. "Zelda? Princess Zelda is here?" Impa almost yelled in disbelief. But Sheik sounded doubtful. "Lets go see with our own eyes." And they headed off to find her.

Before long, they were stopped by a large horde of Gorons, the proud race of the mountains. "No one may pass through here!" A goron captain yelled, getting into a fighting stance as he prepared for battle. "I'm concerned about our primary mission ... But first we must rescue Princess Ruto." Sheik says as the gorons begin to throw large rocks in their direction. The hyrulean soldiers are barely able to get out of the way, dodging before they were hit upside the head.

"They don't look like they're willing to talk ... I guess we'll just have to force our way by." Impa moves into action, taking out her Giants Knife and slashing down the gorons in her way. "Forgive me. But I must find the Princess." Impa sprints passed several groups of gorons with Shiek right on her tail. 

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