Surprise shawty!

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⚠️smut!!⚠️ (requested)
This time it's not light🤪
Oh and enjoy the song😼

im so sorry for this hahaha oops.

"We have arrived" Corey said pulling into a driveway. "Who's house is this?" I asked him. "Mine" he gave me his iconic smirk and hopped out of the car. I opened the car door and followed after him, still confused as to what is going on. Just then rain started to pour. "Inside!" Corey said motioning for the door. Thunder cracked, which made me jump. (I have a bit of a fear.)
"You're not scared are you?" Corey said chuckling. "Of course not!" Lightning flashed but I had to ignore it. I couldn't embarrass myself in front of him. "So" I said. "Why exactly are we here?" "Well I was hoping we could spend some time together." He smiled, which made me smile. "Ok. What exactly do you have planned." "Let's go to my room. I have some VHS tapes we can watch." I followed Corey up to his room. Once Corey had put the movie in, he came and laid down on the bed with me. I put one of his blankets over me.
"Popcorn?" He asked. "No thank you."

I was trying to watch the movie, but I couldn't help but see in the corner of my eye, Corey looking at me. I tried not to smile, but I gave in. "Take a picture it will last longer" I said jokingly. "Sorry." He said "I just can't help it. Your so beautiful." I blushed. "Really?" "Of course" he said putting an arm around me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and I just couldn't look away. Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. First it was just a kiss, but then it turned into a make out session. He slowly moved to my neck, pecking, then he stopped. "I'm so sorry I should've asked I-" "shh" I said putting my finger on his lip. "Continue" he smirked, and picked up where he left off. I slipped my shirt off, and he slipped his off too. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. "Yes". "Wait here." He said. I watched him go to his closet and grab something out of a book bag. "Gotta use protection." I laughed.
Before I knew it things were heating up. He kissed my chest and neck, causing me to softly whimper. He then moved down to my ✨lady parts✨ and teased me. I bit my lip. He then put his dick into me, slowly, causing me to whimper, once again. I dug my nails into the sheets, and he slowly started to go faster. I let out a moan. "It's about time" he said.
He got faster, and I wasn't sure if could hold it in anymore. I moaned, and dug my nails into him.
Coreys POV:
We laid the bed, taking in everything. I turned to y/n, she was so beautiful. I couldn't believe she was mine. Just as we started to get comfortable, I heard a car pull into the driveway. "Oh shit!" "What?!" Y/n asked. "She's home a day early!" "Who?" My mom" we got on all of our clothes. "Just act natural" she nodded her head, and we acted as if though we were just watching a movie, and not doing anything else;)
IM SO SORRY FOR THIS😭🤚🏻 it's just been requested so many times so I had to😼 anyways... sorry I left it off like that but eh👩🏻‍🦯 OH ALMIGHTY FORGOT! I'm making another Leo dicaprio fanfic! So stay tuned for that.
⚠️proof read⚠️

also girl this is so cringeyyyy. and super short. but im working on more dw.



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The heart wants what it wants//Corey haim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now