Catching up

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We walked along the water and talked for hours. We talked about our old school, and I asked about all my old friends and what they were up to. "Not much has changed since you left." Said Mike. "Well, I guess one thing has" "and what would that be?" I asked. "Mr. Roberts retired." "Mr. Roberts?! What!?" He nodded his head and laughed. "It was about time. I mean the man was in his 80s for heavens sake." "Yeah, you do have a point there. I just never thought he would because he's been doing it for so long. You know he was a pretty nice teacher." "Pretty nice?! Are you being serious right now?" "Yes, yes I am. He was so sweet." "Yeah, right." He said scoffing. I laughed.
"Y/n?" "Yes?" "Do you maybe want to go get ice cream sometime?" I froze. Pure shock came over my body. "I have a boyfriend, Mike. I'm sorry." A look of sadness came over his face. "Oh! Righty then, Um... that's okay." He says blushing in embarrassment. "Are you sure? I mean we could always go as friends." I didn't really want to go, but I felt bad for embarrassing him. "No it's fine, I probably should be getting back to the hotel anyways, my parents will probably want to go do something with the family today." "Oh! Yeah, of course! No worries. I'll see you another time!" He nodded his head and walked off.

"He totally just ditched me!" I thought to myself. "Now I am here all by myself, and I have nothing to do. How rude!" I kept walking while trying to brush it off.
As I made my way back to my hotel, I hear a familiar voice come from behind me. "Y/n!" It calls repeatedly. I look behind me to see who is trying to get my attention. My jaw drops as I see the face that the voice belongs to. "Corey?! What on earth are you doing here?" "I had to see you, and... I'm here with my family because my aunt is getting married." "I missed you so much." I give him a big hug. "Y/n?" I look to my right to see my friends standing there with a look of confusion on their faces. "How did you get here?" Gabby asks. "Well-" "it's a long story." I say cutting Corey off. "Anyways, we saw Mike storming off to his hotel room. What's up with that?" Emily asks me. "That's an even longer story." I say rolling my eyes. "Who's mike?" Corey asks. "An old friend." He nods his head "oh, okay." But for some reason something felt off with him when he said that. But I brush it off and act like it's nothing.
*time skip*
For the rest of the day there was some kind of tension between me and Corey, and even Mike. Whenever we saw him in the hall or when he waved to me when we passed each other, they always exchanged dirty looks.
"Y/n?" Corey turns to face me as we sit on the beach watching the sunset. "I'm sorry for acting like a child today, I know I've been so immature, but I can't help but feel something is going on between the two of you." "Between me and who?" I reply to him acting like I didn't know who he was talking about. "Y/n..." I let out a sigh. "Corey, there's absolutely nothing to worry about, yes, I have a feeling he my like me, but Corey, I have absolutely no feelings for him." I take his hand into mine. "Yeah, you're right. I don't know what got into my head. I'm sorry." He said with an apologetic look in his eyes. "Anyways, have you heard about the party going on tonight?" He asks me. "Yes I have! Are you going to go?" "Only if you're going" I stand up and he stands up with me. "It's settled. We're both going to go and have a great time together." He nods his head. "Let me walk you back to your room." He takes his arm and pulls me closer to his side as we walk back to the hotel.
*later that night*

"Have you seen Corey?" I ask Morgan as she takes a sip from her red cup. "I think I saw him by the punch table." "Thank you!" She winks at me and I make my way to the punch table.
"Hey!" I hear someone say behind me. I look around to see who it is but then suddenly I get pulled by my arm and pulled to the side. "Mike?" "Hi y/n" "Mike, what are you doing?" "Y/n, I have to talk to you." "Mike..." "please y/n". I look into his brown eyes. Somethings off. "Mike I have to go find Corey, can we talk later?" He pulls me closer to him when I try to walk off. "Mike stop it!" I say pushing him off of me. But he pulls me in closer again. His breath smells like alcohol. "Mike, you're drunk." "Y/n , I love you." "Mike-" "No, y/n listen to me." I try to move away but he just gets closer, and closer, and then before I know it, he puts his lips to mine.


Pure shock fills by body when I hear that all to familiar voice call my name.

I forcefully pull myself away from Mike. "Corey, it's not what it looks like." "No, it's exactly what it looks like." He grabs mike by his collar and punches him square in the jaw. "Don't you ever lay your hands on her again."
He drops him, and Mike lays there on the ground speechless. Corey turns to me and grabs my arm. "Let's get out of here."
Omg, wow! I took FOREVER updating this... oops.
Anyways, it's finally fall! 🍂 (yay!)
I am excited for Halloween! 🎃

What are you gonna be for Halloween?


The heart wants what it wants//Corey haim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now