Idk what to call this chapter👀

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⚠️will contain light smut! (Only because I got requests for it.)⚠️
I feel like no one is reading this but imma keep going anyways😀👍🏻
I chose this song today because of the first part👀
I couldn't fall asleep. Corey was on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about him. The kiss we had earlier kept replying in my mind as the butterflies built up in my stomach. The whole time we spent together ran through my mind, and I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to go see him. I called him with the phone number he gave me that was taped to my mirror. "Hello?" "Corey is that you?" "Yes it is. Y/n, is this you?" "Yes it is" "what do you need? You know it 12:09 right?" "Yeah, I know. I need you to come meet me by my window, through a rock at it when you get here!" "Alright, I'll be there!" He chuckled and hung up. I tried to stay awake so i don't miss Corey. I heard a rock hit my window. I jumped off my bed and to my window with a smile on my face. "Go to the back door!" He nodded and I went downstairs to meet him.

"What did you need me for?" He asked. "I just missed you. I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking about our time together. It was cut to short and I wanna do something fun together!" He smirked. "Alright then!" He grabbed my hand and brought me to his car. "I know the perfect place we can go!"

Corey drove up a path way that lead to an edge. I could see the whole city from here. "What do you think?" "Corey I-" he leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed him back. Slowly he moved to my neck leaving hickeys, but low enough so I could later cover them up.kissing me, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him as he put me until of the car hood. I pulled away and looked him right in his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled and said, "get in the back seat". I nodded and got in.

As of that night, I was no longer a virgin.

After we finished, we had just laid there in each others arms and breathed heavily. "That was, amazing." He said looking at me. I nodded in agreement and crashed my lips against his. "What time is it?" I asked. "3:00" "oh shit! Corey I have to go before my mom finds out!" He nodded and helped me up as we got dressed and moved up to the front seat. "We should do this again sometime." He said winking at me. I blushed and laughed. "Ok Mr. kinky" he laughed and drove out of there.

*****************the next day***************

Tonight I had a sleepover to go to with the girls so I can explain everything to them. But right now it's only 1:00 in the afternoon so I can do whatever I want right now. I thought maybe I could meet corey for lunch so decided to call him up. "Hello?" I heard the person on the other end say. "Hey is corey there?" "Oh! Yes of course, one second!" I patently waited. "Hello?"
"Hey corey" "oh hey beautiful, what's good?" "Well I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch or something?" "Of Course. I'll pick you up soon, ok?" "Ok. I'll be at home so just pick me up there" "alrighty then, sounds like a plan." We hung up and I went to the couch to sit down and watch growing pains while I waited.

Just as the tv went to commercial break, I heard a knock at the door. A smile grew on my face knowing who it was. I got up and opened the door. "Hey, you all ready to go?" "Yep" he smiled. "Ok then! Where do you want to go eat?" "Not sure." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "How about burgers?" I nodded my head. "Sounds good to me." "Alrighty then, hamburgers it is!" We got in his car and went into town.

"So about last night....." "yeah what is it?" I asked. "I don't know how to say this but I forgot to use protection." He looked at me with a serious look on his face. I almost choked on my burger. "What?! So your telling me there's a possibility that I am pregnant?!" "Yes I know, I know, but I just want you to know that if you are, I'll be there for you." "Ok! Great! Thank you for telling me that, but if I am do you you know what my mom will do?! She will kick me out of the house Corey!" "I'm sorry, this is all my fault." "No it's not Corey it's ok, we'll be ok. I overreacted a bit there." I sat down on a bench to calm down. "If you are pregnant, you can always come live with me." I looked at him. He had the most calming look on his face. It made me want to burst out and cry. "Thank you." I said. "But right now we need to find out if I'm pregnant or not!" "You're right! We'll go to the pharmacy and get a test for you." He held my hand. "I promise you, you'll be alright!"

*****************later at home**************

Ok here goes nothing. I waited for the results to come up. It read negative. I took two more to be sure and they also came out as negative. I felt a sensation of relief fall over my body. I had to call Corey and let him know.
"Hello?" "Corey, hi, it's me" "so what were the results?" "Negative" "oh that's great! I mean I would have supported you either way but it's better off like this!" "I know I'm happy too" "I promise you, next time I'll remember and not be stupid!" "And I've also started to go on the pill just in case you are stupid and forget." We both laughed. "Well, I better get going. Im glad everything turned out ok!" "Me too." "Oh and y/n, one more thing before you go." What is it?" "I love you." "I love you too corey"
I hung up the phone.

I was about to go pack for the sleepover but then there was a knock at the door. So turned around and went to open it. As I opened the door I saw Emily there crying. "oh shit! What happened?!" I helped her over to the couch. "Morgan is back! And she knows about you and corey!" "What How does she know?" I looked at her. "Emily did you-" "Yes! I'm so sorry. But she threatened to tell my mom about something that happened so I had to do it, I'm so sorry, and I understand if you want to kick me out of the group again." "No! I would never! This is not your fault. Come on, we're going to discuss more than just what's going on with you and Morgan. We're kicking her out of the group entirely. "NO YOU CANT DO THAT!" She said. "Why not?" "Because she'll hurt me, and she'll spread more rumours, and she'll do it to you to!" I looked at her crying. What could I do to get rid of that psycho bitch?
What are you gonna do???
Wow I'm really sorry, I'm so bad at making my chapters long😀👍🏻
I'm just really busy right now!
Anyways I'll update soon!

The heart wants what it wants//Corey haim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now