Love once again?

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The song today is dedicated to all my fellow Duran Duran stans😩
"Yes Corey it's me..."

Silence fell over us once again.

"Corey, we need to talk."

We apologized to each other. I told him that I was sorry for not listening to him, and that I shut him down every time he tried to talk to me, but I still had to tell him that I'd be going away for a while, but I wasn't sure if I could.
"Core? I need to tell you one more thing..."
"I'm listening..."
"I'm going to be leaving on a trip soon, to Hawaii, and I'll be gone for a while, we won't be able to see each-"
"I'm sorry, can you repeat yourself, the storm is messing with our connection, I can't hear you".

"Storm?" I thought to myself. "What storm?"
I peered out my window to see dark grey clouds, and heavy rain.
Damn, I've been so concentrated on talking to Corey I guess I didn't notice the thunder storm that formed.

"Y/n?" "Yes I'm here Corey?"
"Y/n?" "I can't hear you, are you there?"
"Yes Corey I'm here-"

Just then the power went out, the phone went dead, and Corey's voice was no longer there.

"NOOOO!"  I screamed. "No, no, no, not now, I didn't even get to tell him about the trip.

I tried everything I could to fix it but nothing worked. I started to tear up out of frustration, as I always do when I get mad. I shoved my face into my pillow and fought back any tears.

Just then, there was a knock at my door. "Could it be?" I thought to myself.

I rushed down the stairs to the door in hopes to see his face there waiting for me. But when I opened the door, I was met with great disappointment.

It was Riley.

"Oh, it's just you." I said with a sigh.
"And what do you mean by that? What kind of greeting is that? Especially because I just walked in the rain to see you" "Sorry, I was just expecting someone else...." "Problems with Corey again?" "Sort of. They were almost resolved, but then the power had to go out." "Um WHAT? What do you mean almost resolved?! Girl, spill!"

I sat down on the couch. "Well, I decided to call Corey this morning, to try and fix things before we leave for our trip." Her jaw dropped. I had to clap my hands in front of her face to snap her out of the state of shock she was in.

"You go girl! What did you say?"
"Well first we apologized, but then when I was about to tell him about me leaving, we lost connection." "Aw, that's too bad. Don't get all worried about it, we can tell him tmr right before we leave, I'll even tell our moms to wait for you so you can!" "Really? You would do that?" "Of course!"
I gave her a big hug. "Your truly the best!" "I know!" She said laughing.
The morning of the trip
I woke up to the sun shining in my face. "Hm, that weird, my alarm clock didn't go off." "OH SHIT!" When the power went out it made my clock reset, oh shit, we're gonna be late!

I rushed to wake up my mom, and we got ready as fast as we could. "Good thing we decided to pack our bags a day ahead!" My mom shouted from the bathroom. "We need to leave in five minutes! Hurry up!" I quickly shoved a granola bar into my mouth and got in the car with my mom right behind me.

"The girls will be waiting for us! They're probably wondering where we are!"

When we got to Riley's house, all the girls were waiting outside on her porch waiting for us. "Where were you?" Gabby asked. "Sorry our alarms got screwed up." "It's ok, but we should hurry up or we are gonna miss our flight!"
We ran into the airport pushing  through people to get to our plane.
(Once we went through luggage and everything else you need to do of course)
"Did we make it?" Or mom said to the flight attendant at the doorway. "Yes, just in time." "Oh thank goodness!"

We boarded the plane and made our way to our seats. Surprisingly it's wasn't very full inside.
The whole ride and the whole way to our hotel I had this weird feeling as if I had forgotten something, but couldn't think of anything.

"What's wrong?" Morgan said to me. "Nothing." She gave me a strange look. "Don't lie to me, what up?" "I feel like I forgot something, but I'm not sure what it could be." "Did you check your book bag for anything you might have forgotten to bring?" "Yes, multiple times, but everything was there." "Oh, right, y/n! I forgot to ask you how did your talk go with Corey?" "OH SHIT!" I slapped my hand to my head. "What's going on?" Asked gabby and Morgan. "Don't tell me you forgot...." "No of course not! I just remembered I forgot to pack my favourite shirt." She looked at me skeptically "Oh, good." I had to lie, I didn't know what to tell her, especially because the other girls didn't know about me calling Corey.

"Riley, what did you mean by 'don't tell me you forgot'?" Gabby asked with a look of confusion on her face. "Yeah, what did you mean by that?" Morgan asked as well.


She looked at me.

"Y/n, you tell them."

Oh boy, this will be an interesting car ride.
Hey y'all!!!! Look who's risen from the dead💀 anyways, happy early Halloween!!

What are you gonna be for Halloween? 🎃 lmk!!


The heart wants what it wants//Corey haim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now