Boys dont cry

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"Are you okay y/n?" Corey says with a concerned look. "Yeah, I'm okay." I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "Gross." "C'mon, let's go back to the hotel," Corey says grabbing my hand.

 My mind was racing with unwanted thoughts. "What does Corey think of me after all this? "Does he think I'm in love with Mike?" l should not be having these thoughts, he knows what truly happened, doesn't he? I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, he looked like he was deep in thought. "Core?" He snapped out of his daydreams. "Corey, is everything alright?" I could tell something was off when he looked me in the eyes. His eyes always express how he is feeling, even if he insists that he is fine. "I cannot believe that jerk would do that to you." He stopped walking and turned to face me. "Are you sure you are okay, y/n?" I paused to think. Truthfully, no, I'm not okay after what happened, not only was I bothered by what Mike did, but I was also bothered by the fact that Corey had to witness it. There already had been some tension between us, there was already some suspicion circling in his mind about Mike and I, I'm sure of it. Even though I had no interest in him, It was quite apparent that Mike was interested in me. "Y/n?" "hm?" I forced myself out of my anxious thoughts. "I asked you if you are okay?" "Corey... I'm not going to lie to your face and tell you that I am fine, and truthfully it's not just about what happened with Mike-" "What do you mean?" He said cutting me off. "Corey,  after everything that has happened I cannot help but feel like something is off between us. I mean, we got into a fight, and then once we finally got to talk things out and forgive each other, things got all messed up again because of Mike." "Y/n, what on earth are you rambling on about? Mike has not messed anything up. I see the way you look at him, and the way you talk to him. It's obvious that you don't feel anything for him." I watched him as tears began to swell up in his eyes. "Look, from the day I laid eyes on you I was in love. I saw the way you looked at me, I noticed how shy you were when you talked to me" " He grabbed my arms and pulled me in closer. "When we broke up it devastated me. I couldn't keep you out of my head." Tears fell on his face and he struggled to get out his words. "I can't lose you again, y/n." he looked at the ground to hide the fact that he was crying. "boys don't cry.." he said looking back up into my eyes.  "but you're not a boy..." I said drying his eyes with my hand. "Mike is a boy. He is an immature, egotistical, piece of shit even!" "Well, I'm not going to let some egotistical piece of shit ruin what we have," he said with a slight laugh. 

  We embraced each other for what felt like an eternity, Neither of us willing to let go. I felt like at this moment, everything that needed to be said, was said, without even a single word being spoken. This felt like the closest we had ever been to each other. "Sometimes bad things must happen so that even better things can." The saying that my mother always told me whenever I was going through a hard time, kept repeating in my head like a broken record. I felt like that saying was so true at this moment. That, and the saying; "everything happens for a reason".

 Slowly, the sun began to rise, and we soon realized that we had been out for far longer than we should have been. That didn't matter though, the time we had spent together was worth every minute.




hey everybody, I am so sorry for not updating in forever... I can't promise that I will be updating this frequently, but I will try my best.

thanks for being patient<3


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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