Tea gets spilled

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The song today doesn't really go with the chapter, but it reminds me of Cher from clueless, and there's a Cher quote in here:)
Also today this is dt to: my bsf Gabby:)
I got up at 6:00 because I needed to get Home so I can get ready for school, so Riley's mom drove me back home.

Once I got home I did the usual, got showered, dried my hair, put on some clothes, and did my makeup. I looked in the mirror to see how I looked. "Perfection" I said.

         ^(Your look for today)^

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  ^(Your look for today)^

After my mom dropped me off at school I met up with Riley and the group at our usual meet up spot. I didn't see Morgan though. "Where's Morgan?" I asked them "not sure" a girl with long black hair, that kinda looks like Alyssa Milano's hair, said. "Who's this?" I asked. "Oh, right! Y/n meet Gabriella! She just got back from her trip to Cuba." Riley said "hi nice to meet you. Riley told me all about you!" I smiled and and and gave her a welcome back hug. Even though I didn't know her well.

My first class was English. None of my friends are in that class with me, which made me nervous. Today was our first day back in our real classes, and not in the study hall. The school had finally completed its renovations. (Took them long enough!)

I was the third person to get to class. I sat in the middle so I wouldn't be too close to the front or too far behind. I started to get less nervous because I started to see some familiar faces. Maybe I could become closer friends with them. A girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and looked to be about 5'5 sat next to me. I turned to her to say hi. "Hi I'm y/n" "hi I'm Emily, nice to meet you!" I froze. Could this be the Emily Morgan told me about?! "By any chance were you ever friends with Morgan Hollister?" "Ugh, yeah." She said rolling her eyes. "That was until she kicked me out of the group. And all because I told her I was going to ask Corey out! What a bitch!" "But Morgan told me that you were the one who was being a bitch. She told me that you were threatening anybody who tried to get with Corey." "No, it's not like that at all, it's all lies! I only have to go along with it because she's my cousin." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. But for all I know it could all be fake. I mean Morgan did say she was a bitch. Right?
As the class finally got settled down and our teacher started to begin the lesson, I felt something hit my head. "Ouch!" I whispered. It was a crumpled piece of paper. I looked around to see who threw it, but no one had seemed obvious at the time. I opened it to see what it said. 'Have you changed your mind yet?" Of corurse, it was Corey! Ugh I should have known! I looked back at him and gave him a glare. "Hey mr. Lawrence, can I move up? It's hard for me to learn back here." "Of course mr. Haim, go right ahead!" He moved to the empty desk on my left. "So have you?" He asked. "Have I what?" "Changed your mind?" "Change my mind about what?" "You know what I mean!" Ugh! Of course I knew what he meant! "Look corey, Ive told you 1000 times before and I'll tell you one more time! I don't want-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Mr. Lawrence. "Mr. Haim and Miss. Y/LN you two have both earned yourselves after school detention for talking in my class!" "Oh great" I said sarcastically. "Oh great!" Corey said excitedly with his signature smirk on his face.

The heart wants what it wants//Corey haim x readerWhere stories live. Discover now