First Day

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Chapter Twenty One

Things don't often go as planned. A lot of things come unexpectedly, it could be either bad or good.

It's common sense, but what if it could be both? See, I'm laying here with Stephan, I ended up curling up into his lap in the middle of my sleep.

He was still fast asleep with his arm wrapped securely around me, and I honestly was very comfortable.

Sophia walked in and immediately started to jump up and down while pointing a finger at me.

"I knew it!" She mouthed to me repeatedly and I put my finger to my lips to keep her silenced. She pointed to her wrist which made me look at the time.

We only had a half an hour to get ready and make it to work all in one. My initial plan was to slip out of Stephans grasp even though it was quite enjoyable.

Of course, when Sophia exited she just had to cause a loud noise from the door shutting closed which sounded through the room.

It was clear to tell she had did that on purpose simply to get me in another situation with Stephan, and she succeeded.

Stephans eyes slowly opened and were slightly squinted from the rays of the sun. He looked at me and gave me a smirk before his eyes became wide.

That's when he looked at his watch and immediately jumped to his feet and brought me up with him.

"You girls need to get ready, a late appearance will not be beneficial to this plan at all." He picked up my handbag and handed it to me.

I know he was in a rush but I couldn't help but think he just wanted me out because he regretted what happened.

"Thanks." I told him awkwardly and took the small handbag from him.

He seemed to have noticed the sudden change and furrowed his eyebrows at me. I stood there while he stood over me.

My eyes grew it's own mind when they trailed down his face and upon his lips. His face began to lower down to mine which caused my voice to hitch.

My heart rate began to speed up and I held my breath. Once he was close enough he landed a soft kiss on my forehead and he let it linger for a few seconds.

I'm not sure if that was an attempt to reassure me but it did. Especially since I wasn't ready to kiss Stephan just yet.

Stephan took me to Sophias room and from there we began to get ready.

"So..." Sophia trailed on and cut the shower on. She looked at me with anticipating eyes, she was clearly eager to know more.

"So what?" I asked her while I started to take out my hair products. She angrily yanked off her shirt and threw it right at my face.

I turned and focused on myself in the mirror and for a few seconds it was quiet until she jumped into the shower.

"I just don't understand, you keep brushing it off like it's nothing." She began to mom me and I could just picture how she was moving her hands around in the process.

"It's not that I think it's nothing but, I'm not going to think it's something while Stephan thinks the opposite." I explained to her, the quicker I could get her to understand the better it is for my sake.

"Well when you put it that way I do suppose you're right, but it's just so excruciating to watch the two of you." She groaned and I quietly laughed at her.

It's not like she could hear me over the music playing from her phone. All I did to my hair was brush it back into a bun and a bare minimum of makeup.

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