Chapter 6

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'Oi *country*!'- Jeno headlock you at the hallway before entering the class together. 'I told you not to mock my name you *slave*'- You push Jeno away. 'You mock me too so what'- Jeno pulls your bag backwards and walks first left you behind. *Nara means country in Korean and Lee Jeno could be misheard as this slave in Korean*. Now you and your ladies sit 1 long row with Jeno's gang. Usually you sit beside Jeno and Naeun. You are in the middle. You even sit and eat with Jeno now. Kinda friends after the sleepover incident.

'So, how's your *bibi* doing? Good?'- Jeno smirks at you. You close your eyes. You thought he forgot those few weeks' dark memories of you. 'Who is *bibi*?- Haechan asks. 'Yeah Nara you got a bf?'- Naeun asks. 'And only Jeno knows about it?'- Yangyang pouts. 'No guys, *bibi* is Nara's teddy bear and I could know about that because Nara called me *bibi* when she was asleep in my arm that day'- Jeno being naughty by telling his whole gang about that. 'YAH JENO! I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING THAT STUFF AGAIN! YOU DEAD MEAT!'- You get one of your books and ready to smack Jeno beside you, laughing so hard while the whole row just couldn't close their mouths. Jeno's eyesmile shown so much and it attacks you deep inside. You shrug it off when you heard 'Lee Jeno'- Someone cuts you. 'Here'- The girl passes her chocolate to Jeno and followed by few more girls. Same goes to Sungchan, Yangyang, Mark, Winwin, Ten and Haechan. 'What is your problem heart?'- You close your eyes. 'Oi!'- Jeno pushes your shoulder. You turn and Jeno's face just few inches from yours. You gulp. 'Ergh go away'- You push Jeno away from you. To cover the awkwardness, you play with your phone. But there is Sungchan who saw all your clumsiness of falling in love.

You then eyeing their chocolates. 'Guys, what did you guys do with all of these chocolates? I mean you guys received it a lot and kinda every day?'- You ask. 'We throw it away ofc. But not right into the trash bin just on the top of the cover, purposely for the girls to see that we don't want it. Just like what you have seen before'- Jeno tells you. 'Damn, that's rude'- You shook your head. 'Then what? At least we didn't reject the girls right away during their confession time'- Ten shrugs his shoulder. You just nod as Mr. Park walks into the class and you just focus on the class after that.

'Nara, wanna follow us to practise today?'- Mark asks. 'Ahhh no. Not today. I got something to settle'- You pack your stuff. Jeno frowns at you. Knew you never got after college stuffs. 'Well ok then, let's just walk out'- Jiyeon pats your shoulder. 'You guys can just go. I need to make a call'- You flash your phone at them. 'Ok see you tomorrow'- Sungchan waves at you. You smile sweetly at him. You like him, as a most decent human being. You wave at each of them. After few minutes, you walk out of the class and walk to the hallway. Not looking around as you don't care, you take the bunch of Jeno's gang chocolates on the cover top of the trash bin and put inside your bag. 'What the hell is she doing?'- Jeno saw you from a far. 'Jeno yah! What are you looking at? Let's go'- Sungchan pushes Jeno to the entrance.

Jeno couldn't focus for the whole practise. Couldn't believe and accept what he saw you did just now. "Why" is wondering around his head rent-free. 'Jeno yah, neo gwenchana? (you ok?)'- Winwin stops in front of Jeno. 'Coach is here today, you better get yourself for real Captain Lee'- Haechan skates back to his position.

'Focus Lee Jeno, focus'- Jeno closes his eyes and back to his real beast on the ice rink.



'Ok, our class end here'- Mr. Kim off his laptop. 'You guys got no practise today?'- You ask your ladies. 'Nope'- Jia answers you quick. 'Us too'- Sungchan grins at you. You look at Jeno but he ignored you for the whole day. You just shrug it off. 'You got plan?'- Ten asks you. 'Yes. I got somewhere to go. Sorry can't join you guys hang out'- You apologize. 'Ah, guys. Can I take all of these chocolates with me?'- You smile at the boys. 'Ofc'- Yangyang pushes his chocolates to you, so does others but not Jeno. 'Em Jeno, I know you don't want it. So—'- Jeno cuts you by blocking the chocolates from arrive at your table. 'Lee Nara, what are you gonna do with all these chocolates?'- Jeno raises his eyebrow at you. 'I saw you PICKED our chocolates on the top of the trash bin cover yesterday, literally yesterday. Aren't they enough? '- Jeno continues. 'What..'- Without you noticed, the whole class heard that. Your ladies and Jeno's boys are eyeing each other then to you. Your eyes are wondering around avoiding Jeno's sharp eyes on you. 'Are you that poor to collects to picks thrown stuffs? Ah maybe all these are expensive ones. Fine, take it''- Jeno shoots you hard this time.

You stare right straight at Jeno's eyes. Shoot the fire couldn't hold it anymore. All eyes are on you now. You smirk and stand up. 'To answer your question, I wanna eat all these chocolates. And yes, this very POOR girl here loves and wants it so bad. I don't mind pick up or even asking right at you rich peoples' faces for it'- You tell Jeno right at his face. 'Ah since everyone is still here, hi hello rich peoples, if you guys have any not yet eaten foods to give it to me please do raise up your hand I come to you and pick it. You rich peoples here love to wasting stuffs just like that so much, so isn't it better to give it to me?'- You smile. 'So anyone?'- You look around. Some raises their hands and kinda throw their unwanted foods into your prepared paper bag. Laughs and disgusts at the same time. 'SM Dinosaurs? SM DinoCheers?'- You walk back to your ladies and Jeno's boy. 'Nara yah, what are you doing?'- Sungchan holds your hand. You just smile at him. 'You can give to me tomorrow or any day'- You tell Sungchan softly. 'No more? Ok then. Jal mogeulke (I will eat it well)'- You pick up your stuff and storm out the class follow by a loud laugh.

'WHAT IS THAT FOR LEE JENO?'- Naeun pushes Jeno's shoulder. Jeno is still dumbfounded over your brave action. 'I gotta find out'- Jeno runs to follows you behind. 'Yah Lee Jeno!'- Sungchan shouts. 'What is happening here ohmygod'- Jiyeon rubs her face. 'Guys, just get out'- Haechan shuhh-ing everyone out of the class. 'How can you still wanna be friend with her Naeun ah?'- One girl smirks at Naeun. 'Hey if you still wanna study in this University you better just get out'- Naeun shoot the girl a damn strong fire eyes. Aware Naeun could do anything, the girl quickly walks away.

You walk out the entrance door and stop for a while to look at your full paper bag. You smile widely. 'They will love this'- You continue walking happily. 'She's smiling?'- Jeno frowns. 'What is this girl doing'- Jeno couldn't understand over you still smiling and happy walking away after he and the whole class downgraded you. 'Please, eat it'- Jeno wishes for you to at least eat 1 and he could take picture and send to the boys for evidence. 'Where is she heading to?'- Jeno is still following you. His step stops as he saw you stop in front of a colourful house. 'HOPE ORPHANAGE'- Jeno say softly.

'Noonaaaaaaaaaa! Eonniiiiiiiiii'- Small kid boys and girls run and hug you. 'Hey kiddossss'- You smile brightly at them. 'Look what I bought! Present for all! ALL WILL GET ONE TODAY! Who didn't get yesterday will get 2 today!'- You shake your paper bag in front of the kids. 'Yayyyyyyyyy! Saranghae Nara noona/ eonni (sister)!- The kids make big heart hand gesture for you. 'Awhh nado saranghae (I love you too). Let's go go go'- You run into the house.

Jeno who witnessed and heard all of it is literally stands blank mind. 'Haih, what have you done Lee Jeno'- Jeno rubs his face and bites his lip, super regretted. 'What am I supposed to do? Shit. Nara gonna hates me so much'- Jeno kicks small stone across the road, frustrated. *Ringg* Jeno's phone rings. 'Jeno yah eodinya (where are you?)'- Mark asks. 'Mark, I made a huge mistake Mark. I'm screwed'- Jeno sigh. 'Hey hey. What's the matter bro. Tell me'- Mark panics. 'Nara. She isn't picking or collecting stuffs for her own'- Jeno tells Mark. 'What? What do you mean?'- Mark frowns hard. 'I will send a location. Come with others. Quick'- Jeno ends the call. Jeno continues look at you who's busy handing the chocolates to the kids. 'You are so damn stupid Lee Jeno'- Jeno curses at the wind.



'Bro'- Sungchan taps Jeno's shoulder. All are there, your ladies too. 'Look'- Jeno shows his boys the orphanage home. You are now outside laughing and running around with the kids. 'No, don't tell me all those chocolates are for those kids?'- Yangyang looks at Jeno. 'It does'- Jeno nods. 'Damn bro. You freakin messed up'- Ten shook his head. 'You are indeed so stupid Lee Jeno'- Naeun eyes got teary. 'I mean, she took all those insults and even still asking from others too. She did all that for those kids. I wanna cry'- Jiyeon rubs her face.

'Lee Nara, what a special girl'- Sungchan smiles at you. Jeno is in deep regret, he almost cries. 'Why does my heart hurts so much?'- Jeno mumbles to himself. Never see you laughing and smiling so hard, so happy like this made Jeno's heart beating so fast. 'Areumdawo (beautiful)'- Jeno whispers. 'Huh bro, what you say?'- Winwin asks. He thought he heard something. 'Ani (no), nothing'- Jeno shook his head. 'Tsk, I heard you Lee Jeno'- Sungchan mumbles to himself and smirks. 'Bye kiddosssss. See ya guys next time. I promise to bring more chocolates like today!'- You wave at the kids and make your way. Jeno and the gang quickly run and hide from you. 

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