Chapter 8

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'What?! Jeno did what?!'- Yuna can't believe her ears heard Jeno went to the library just to chases you right after he shouted at her. 'That Nara girl is that special to him?'- One of Yuna's bffs asks. 'Yah. You wanna die?'- Another one warns her. 'I mean like Lee Jeno never apologized to anybody he got trouble with? Why this Nara then?'- She continues asking. 'Shut your mouth'- Yuna walks away. 'You wait Lee Nara'- Yuna walks fast looking for you.

'Yah Lee Nara!'- Yuna suddenly pushes your shoulder. You who just arrived at hallway just shook your head. 'Not at the start of the day'- You mumble to yourself. 'Are you deaf or something?'- Yuna asks. 'Sorry, can you say it again? I don't really give attention to anybody especially someone like you'- You smirk. 'Ah, who are you? Do I know you btw?'- You ask. 'Is she for real?' / 'How can she didn't know who is Shin Yuna?' / 'After she have been spending times with Lee Jeno?'- You heard all those. 'Ahhh so you're the "Shin Yuna"? Oh yes the captain of SM Dinocheers. Now I remember, I saw you at stadium few times'- You tell Yuna. 'So you know who I am? Then you should know your place'- Yuna pushes your shoulder again. You push her hand hard making her stumbles. 'What do you want from me? You are wasting my time here'- You roll your eyes. 'STAY AWAY FROM JENO. HE IS MINE'- She warns you hard. 'Tsk, you can have him anytime anywhere you want. It got nothing on me. He's all yours. Well you guys did belong to each other, both so full of themselves.'- You smirk. 'You bitch!'- Yuna's hand fast reaching your face but Jeno is faster to pulls her hand away. 'Shin Yuna!'- Jeno shouts. 'Well well the hero is here. He's all yours, heroine'- You scoff and walk away. 'Nara'- Jeno calls you. 'Jeno, I didn't mean..'. 'Shut up!'- Jeno pushes Yuna away. The students all gasp. 'Lee Nara!'- Jeno runs chasing you. 'I don't need your help. Go away'- You tell Jeno, not stopping from walking fast.

You sit at your usual place this time as the behind row is full. Jeno wanted to sits beside you so bad but he chose to sits right behind you. Your ladies, fill in the spot and Jeno's boys fill up behind. Few minutes after Mrs. Na came in. You focus on the class as usual. *tinggg*. A text message got in. 'Jebal (please). Talk to me later'- Jeno. You put your phone away after left Jeno on read. *tuk* a paper crumble hits your back. You roll your eyes. *tuk* this time it landed on your table. Naeun turns back and face Jeno and other boys. You push it away, not reading it. Jeno closes his eyes and write another note to throws at you. As you heard a noise behind, you turn and face Jeno. 'Stop it'- You tell Jeno right at his face. You then turn back to Mrs. Na.

'Ok guys, listen. I will be calling 2 names randomly to be in a group and then that person will chose other 2 person to join the group '- Mrs. Na explain. 'Damn I hate working with strangers'- You curse. 'Student no. 27- Jung Sungchan'- Mrs. Na calls. 'Me'- Sungchan stands. 'Ok student no. 30- Lee Naeun'- Mrs. Na calls again. 'Ahhhh'- The students disappointed. 'Me'- Naeun stands and high-5 Sungchan behind her. 'Ok choose. Sungchan 1st'- Mrs. Na continues. 'I choose Lee Nara'- Sungchan calls your name without any delay. Jeno quickly turns to you who smile sweetly at Sungchan and shoot Sungchan his fire eyes. Lee Jeno is jealous and feels betrayed. 'Ok. Naeun'- Mrs. Na gestures Naeun to quick. Naeun turns around looking  at the whole class. Sungchan raises his eyebrows at Naeun and she smirks. 'Lee Jeno'- Naeun tells Mrs. Na'. 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'- The disappointed is more this time. Everyone is dreaming they could be in the same group with Jeno. 'Shit'- You close your eyes. Then Mrs. Na continues calling the names and then explain the assignment before ends the class.

'Ok, so can we start today?'- Naeun asks. 'I can't today. As usual today's matter'- You pack your stuffs. 'Anything just text or call me'- You tell Naeun and Sungchan but didn't turn to Jeno at all. You then just walk away but stop as Sungchan calls you. 'Nara. Here'- Sungchan passes you bunch of his chocolates. Then followed by Yangyang, Mark, Ten, Haechan and Winwin. They smile at you. You don't know are you supposed to feel sad, feel attack by wondering are they kinda insulting you again or happy for the kids. 'Thank you'- You just take it without thinking much. Jeno quickly packs his stuffs and all his chocolates into his bag. 'Guys, I gotta go'- Jeno runs out the class. 'What...'- Haechan frowns. Sungchan just smiles to himself.



You sigh as the bus is kinda late today. Jeno who's saw you still at the bus stop as he drove by, quickly drives to the orphanage house. 'Don't give up Lee Jeno'- Jeno cheers himself. 'Should I just walk?' You then just walk after waited for 5 more minutes.

'Annyeonghaseyo'- Jeno bows at the orphanage house staffs. 'Yes. Can I help you, young boy?'- The head staff asks Jeno. 'I am Nara's friend. She said she will be late a little and asked me to wait for her inside'- Jeno lied. 'Ah really. Come in'- The staff opens the gate for Jeno. Quickly Jeno choose 1 cute boy that seems so close and like you a lot that day to help him. 'Kkuma yah (hey kid). What's your name?'- Jeno sits beside her. 'Hanbit.'- Jeno ruffles the kid's hair. 'Hanbit ah, hyung eul dowajumyeon dwae? (Can you help hyung?)'- Jeno stares softly at the little kid. 'Eung! Hyung looks like a good guy. I will help.'- The kid smiles. It shot right at Jeno's heart. 'This. Can you give this chocolate to Nara noona later on?'- Jeno passes a chocolate box at the kid. 'Ohhhhh hyung likes Nara noona rightttttt?'- The kid laughs at Jeno. Jeno just smiles, still not sure about his feeling. 'Gomawo! (Thank you!). Here for you. Shhhh secret'- Jeno gives the little boy a box of Nerds candy. The little boy quickly runs to his room. Jeno then makes his way out fast.

After 10 minutes. You finally arrived. 'Nara. Why so late?'- One of the staffs asks. 'I walk here today'- You wipes your sweats. 'Kiddossssssss. Nara is hereeeeeeee'- You run to the kids. 'Wahhh noona bought chocolates again!'- The kids cheer. You then hand the chocolates to them one by one. 'Noona. Here for you'- Hanbit hands you the chocolate box Jeno gave him before. 'Where you get this?'- You ask. 'Someone told me to give it to you'- Hanbit smiles. 'Jeno?'- You look closely at the chocolate and frowns. You put the chocolate aside and play with the kids.



You get into the bus after spending 2 hours at the orphanage. 'No way'- You shook your head. You took a deep breath before open the chocolate box. Saw a light blue sticky note inside, you sigh. 'I knew it'- You now sure the chocolate belongs to Jeno. You saw it was on his table just now. You open the sticky note. 'I'm sorry ~ Jeno'. You close the box and look out the bus window. The sunset view sorrows your heart more. Without you noticed, a tear drops on your cheek. You quickly rub it and kill all the unwanted thought and feeling away.

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