Chapter 28

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*ring*- Your table's phone rings. 'Lee Nara, huijangnim wants to meet Lee Jeno daepyonim now'- Donghae huijangnim's PA tells you. 'Alright. Understood. Thank you'- You end the call and walk to Jeno's room. *knock knock* 'Come in'- Jeno lets you in. 'Lee Jeno daepyonim (CEO), huijangnim would like to see you, right now'- You write down in your notebook on today's date. Jeno nods and gets his coat. 'Let's go'- Jeno is now more professional with you after 1 week.

*knock knock* you knock the door for Jeno. 'Come in'- Donghae huijangnim tells. 'Have a sit'- Donghae huijangnim tells at Jeno. You stand beside Jeno. Ready with your notebook. 'Have a sit too, Miss. Nara'- Donghae huijangnim smiles at you. 'Thank you'- You sit beside Jeno.

'So, what will you contribute? Any idea for the new project?'- Donghae huijangnim looks closely at Jeno. Jeno looks at you. You gesture him to talk with your eyes. Jeno gulps. You sigh silently and decided to help him. 'Lee Jeno daepyonim (CEO) have discussed with me about his idea. May I explain on behalf of him as all got written in here'- You lied. 'Ofc'- Donghae huijangnim nods.

'The new game idea is 3D Ice Hockey game in all platforms. Mobile, CD, Wii. The characters Lee Jeno daepyonim (CEO) wants is all to be AI looking characters. With real faces feature. The venues of the ice rink will be having few choices too, like normal rink, or in mountain, or on frozen river/sea, in forest, something like that'- You tell and nod secretly at Jeno. Jeno just blankly stares at you. 'Hmmm good. Is ice hockey as your passion during uni days?'- Donghae huijangnim asks Jeno.

'Yes. I cherish it very much and with that I've decided to collab with my teammates to full produces this new project. All rounder including merch, ads, promo tour and so on. As you're already knows their companies field. All related and I could use it well. About the AI characters, I have an idea to actually use our own faces as the players' face. We don't have to pay the royalty as it's a collab project and no wasting time of creating new faces too. Well you know we are kind of popular in and out of Uni because of the championship games, we will definitely sell out everything and most importantly, the players' jersey, originally designed by our Miss Nara here for our final game back then so aren't that special? No need new idea, fresh from the intern herself'- Jeno smiles proudly. You smile to yourself, relieved Jeno could continues and adds his own ideas and yes never left you out.

'Sound good. I like it. Prepare the proposal. Set the schedules with the partners after approval ya Miss. Nara. Ok all good. You guys may leave'- Donghae huijangnim nods. Jeno and you bow and walk out.

'My room'- Jeno tells you. You nod. Jeno sets his face serious. Mingyu looks at you, followed by others staffs around. You just shrug your shoulder.

'WHAT WAS THAT?!'- Jeno holds your shoulder after he locked and closed the curtains of his glass office. 'I'm sorry if you don't like it. It's the only thing I could think fast. You know you're the ice hockey athlete'- You pout. 'It's perfect Nara! I LIKE IT! You're brilliant! A genius indeed!'- Jeno hugs you tight. 'I'm so proud of you'- Jeno mumbles. 'Thank you for saving me. I could be dead. Appa is strict when comes to business'- Jeno breathes calmly. 'Well guess you owe me something big then?'- You smirk. 'Ofc! Will repay you back but, after approval yeah? Will busy with proposal'- Jeno pouts. 'Do well! Ring me up if you need help'- You smile. Jeno nods and hugs you again.

'Lunch time. Let's go'- Jeno pinches your cheek. 'Eh eh wait. Don't tell them about this. Not yet official. And DON'T tell them about ME. Let's surprise them on the meeting day'- You tap Jeno's nose. 'Alright'- Jeno nods. 'Ok bye. See you at the alley'- You laugh and walk out the room.

'Hey you ok?'- Mingyu asks. 'I'm good. Why?'- You look at Mingyu. 'Just, Lee Jeno daepyonim looked so serious and he even closed the curtains. He scolded you?'- Mingyu frowns. 'No. He showed me a slideshow. That's why curtains closed'- You lied. 'Ahhhhhh' Mingyu nods.

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