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Set to "Chasm"

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Let not my eyes wander
Searching aimlessly without compass
Hold this tongue from every delicacy offered
And my feet from paths without purpose

Whatever's brought across my ways
Cannot behoove me, then, to host
But must be brought before His gaze
Whose Fires shall test its humility or its boast

Though in the moment, He seems silent
Silently, immovable He dwells
Witness and Judge of the present
Spirit, Who knows the hearts that tell

The hand of a former life
Stretches out from the shadows of my past
Drawing curtains to shade me from the light
A veil to hedge me in its grasp

"Let wisdom be your light
It is foolish to let Faith be your eyes
Why should you stay and wait in the night
For His answer? Here is Pleasure, your guide!"


"Nay," says the Spirit, "He is there and not silent
And gives grace to those who on Him wait
His purpose is there, even behind the veils of your predicament
Do not fear, for He never leaves nor forsakes
His faithfulness and not your Flesh, is your fate"

And past all veils, into His refuge I stumble
Or was it His rod of grace that drew me into His temple?
Dragging with me, into His holy light, this fell counselor of Medusa's race
Laid bare, that which once easily ensnared
My focus is captured by the Author and Finisher of my faith
Whilst Medusa is doomed, before His blaze consumed
For souls He does not dwell in, before His fire, cannot remain
While those that are otherwsie cannot else but be refined
For He calls even prodigals by His Name

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