Harlots of Ease

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As I lay on my bed
Under warm and restful shroud
I heard the World and my Flesh
Beckoning and calling out
"Harlots of ease
For your wife of pain"
They portrayed over
And over again
The traitor within, seeking to undermine
And enemies without, seeking to bind
I have gained all of Christ
But now will I lose my life?
To have been given something more than gold
Will I now trade it to lose my soul?
Such things should have never been
Yet such is the price of sin
Taking what is beautiful in holiness
And exposing it in defilement
And how the world paints it attractive
It is a lie spoken with shards of truth
They give many moments
To substitute eternity
While calling to abandon
The wife of my youth
"Harlots of ease, in exchange
For your wife of pain"
I hear this night in and night out
Encompassing me round about
In my ears and in my brain
I feel the press of my enemy's strain
And the traitor within
"Harlots of ease
For your wife of pain"
I take this lie to crucify
In Jesus Name

Yes; there will be pain and yet glory
While the world tries to substitute eternity
By making it up for many moments of vapor
I trust not in my inclinations but in my Savior
For with sin, true pain lies
And these harlots are my demise
Not friends, but enemies
Though my married life has difficulties
By grace, I put faith in the One
Who will carry me on
For He shall fulfill His Promise
And what I receive because I look forward to
Is more beautiful; it is eternal, steadfast, and true
Harlotry is vain
And I crucify it in Jesus' Name

Yes; there is pain, sorrow, and tears
With my wife
Yet true beauty will always be here
Because of Christ, who redeems
Things are not what they seem
Whether carnal pictures
Or worldly promises
All is vain
And I crucify it in Jesus' Name
I trust not in what I see
But in whom I have believed
Not accepting what is being shown
But looking to the One who I have known
Though each night, these lies should come
By grace, I trade them all for what is Promised
Assuredly, His will shall be done

I am Your's; save Me

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