Flee & Pursue

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(Flee My Weakness and pursue His Strength)

Part 1~ Assyria Surrounds

I thank You Father of my Salvation
That I am not bound to any temptation
For You have provided a means of escape
That whoever calls on You will be saved

Yet still Father, far be it from me
That I should rely on my flesh deceiving
For what mortal strength can resist youthful lusts' call?
Surely, if one thinks he stands he must take heed lest he should fall

O "youthful lusts" with invisible hands to caress
That seek my faith and devotion to sway
Conspiring with my Flesh; hidden adulteress!
With many entreaties, excuses my mind to plague!

Where is my Salvation that I may resist thy efforts? 
That I may deafen my ears to all thy consorts?
O man whom He has made and redeemed to Himself
Flee these youthful lusts and pursue His righteousness

How can a young man cleanse his way
And be delivered from the fowler like the bird?
It is he who dwells in the Most High's secret place
Who takes heed according to His Word

O open my eyes that I might see
From Your law beautiful and wondrous things!
May it all be alone to Your glory
For my humility and blessing
And let such as love Your salvation, say continually
"The Lord be magnified" 

Part 2~ This Desire Redeemed

Whose own heart can one know and trust
Which is deceitful above all things and full of sin?
But he who leans on God will be prosperous
And be delivered because he has set his love on Him
His Holy Spirit will come and dwell within

So my soul, sharpen your gaze
By the mercy and truth He has paved
All His paths and ways
Inhale when you seek His Word and exhale when you pray
None of those who have waited on Him has He put to shame

Flee my soul with heart in hand
For a stronger foe in your presence stands
This is victory: With your back to the Enemy!
Pursue godliness by fleeing these things

O Heart-Maker, cleanse my very eyes
Your Holy Fire to purge my soul and mind
Be gracious to me at my feeble cries
And grant me a new heart with its desires to find

For when Thy goodness I have received (not obtained) and savored
Humility becomes Your strength in me to temper
Who can replace and deny Your Word's flavor
To trick him who speaks thanksgiving to Thy grace and favor?

O Lord to Your glory, order my steps
Direct me from lingering near their fatal breath
To my Love I will cry to in my distress
He shall satisfy the longing soul
And fill the hungry soul with His goodness

We will take up His full armor and submit to Him
The Devil will flee when we withstand the evil day to resist
Not by our might, power, riches or wisdom clever
For God is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever

Part 3~ Victory in Surrender

O Lord, who am I that I should face
This giant; with a few stones to hurl?
Yet sufficient for me is Your grace
Surely, greater is He who is in me
Than he who is in the world

In my confusion at his mirage and snare
I will seek the One who is always there
Who then can stumble and get caught by sin
When that man abides in God, and God in him?

Empty thy mortal resources
Acknowledge your bankruptcy!
For he who trusts his own righteousness
Boasts as if he had not received

Speak not to Medusa's face
Or thy hand to destroy the syren's place
But flee and come boldly to His throne of grace
For He is the merciful and faithful High Priest
Who aids those tempted of Adam's race

Draw near to God and acknowledge the struggle in that hour
And He will draw near to you to fill thee with His power
Harden yourself to the Flesh and the world's caress
By abiding in His shadow; and into His bosom, press

I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker
And shun the arm of flesh to be my savior
For the weapons He has given are mighty (in Him)
For pulling down strongholds and every argument lofty
Nets the Enemy would seek to cast then fight
But every thought (and feeling) will be brought to captivity
To the obedience of Christ

Is it not that He has called you to bear your cross daily
To lay hold of His love and strength unfailing?
Rest in Him but not in thine own complacency!
For He would give you rest in the days of adversity

Blessed is the man whom God instructs, who listens to Him
For he would wrong his own soul and love death were he to sin
Yet he watches daily at His gates
And waits at the posts of His doors
When seeking, he will find Life
And obtain favor from the Lord

Seek the Lord and His strength!
Seek His face evermore!
Glory in His holy name!
For eye has not seen, nor ear heard
Not hast entered into the heart of man
The things that God has in store
For those who love Him!

I turn my eyes from this world's distracting plays
And let me eyes search for Him who arrests my gaze
The goods they cry I close my ears and shun
Casting myself repeatedly into His embrace, crying
"Save and preserve me for Thy/My Love!"

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